When you search “beet red color” or beet E162 on your favorite search engine, you get to see multiple advantages and disadvantages of using this food additive. For a fact, there are synthetic dyes that try to mimic this natural food color.
Red 40 for example, is entirely
artificial and delivers the desired red hue quite the same as E162 beet red. However,
Red 40 mainly consists of chemicals and has zero nutritional value to human
health. This makes E162 one of the most nutritive food colors and best
preferred natural food coloring ingredient.
If You’re a DIY Kinda Person, Here’s How to Make Beet E162
In case you’re wondering how to
make this vibrant natural food color, there are multiple ways you can obtain this
red pigment.
Blend beets to obtain raw beet E162
Chop a few beets and blend them
using a juicer or a blender. Beet juice extracted from a blender is always
viscous, therefore it is important to remember that more water helps with
Also, you might want to
consider the number of beets used to make this juice because too many beets make
the flavor more prevalent and it might upset your pallet. You might also
consider making
beet syrup if you’re looking for a sweeter option.
Make beet puree
Pureeing is the art of crushing
vegetables or fruits into a thick smooth sauce that can be added in baked
products or other culinary purposes. You can also make beet E162 by boiling,
crushing, and sieving them to obtain a smooth extract better than juice.
One of the main advantages of
using beet puree instead of beet juice is that, beet puree offers slightly more
calories, minerals and essential vitamins compared to beet juice. Also, this
specific puree provides antioxidants that effectively boost the immune system
and prevents excess cell damage in the body.
To make beet E162 puree, boil
the desired beets (with skin) until tender. When ready, remove beets from pan
and remove the skins. Since the skins are edible, you might consider adding
them to salads because of their tremendous cardiovascular health benefits.
Blend the peeled beets and add
water or milk until you obtain the desired consistency. If the beet puree has
lumps or big vegetable chunks, strain or sieve them for a more consistent food
Boil beets in water
Boiled beets also release
color. When you buy beets from your local grocery store, just make sure to
thoroughly wash them and remove all dirt. Dice or cut the beet in chunks and
boil them in a covered pot.
Let the beets simmer until
tender or until there’s just a few spoon-full of water left. This water is your
beet juice and can be used as food color. However, remember that beet water is more
dilute and waterier than beet puree and raw beet juice.
You can use the boiled beets to
make squash or fruit punches, best served chilled!
Do you have other methods you use to obtain beet red food color? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll be sure to feature your comments in my next article!
Beets are always the solution to attaining a beet red or magenta hue especially when making those sweet little velvet cupcakes. And one of the main reasons why most bakers (and chefs alike) use beet red food color is because beets are natural, healthy, and beneficial to use.
If you are a member of the DIY bandwagon and would love to
try making
beet red food color at home, the process is very easy. Boil beets in a
saucepan over medium heat until you notice color-changes in the boiling water.
Cover and let it simmer under low heat until only a couple
of tablespoons of water remain. There you have it! Reserve this juice because
it is your food color.
Sometimes using powdered beet red food color especially in
baked products is really important because it attains just the right and
desired shade, not too much and not too little. Each package has directions for
use indicating the exact amount you should add depending on what you intend to
prepare. You can easily buy beet red food color (in powder form) at your local
grocery store.
But Why Does Beet Red Turn Urine Color
According to CBC,
approximately 10 to 14 percent of people are affected by beet red. Beets
contain a compound, betanin, that gives the vegetable a red hue. Well unfortunately,
not everyone can fully digest betanin.
In this case, betanin is flushed out of the system, therefore
turning urine, or poop red. However, you shouldn’t feel alarmed when you
observe this change in color.
It is not entirely clear what happens to betanin in the
body, because only limited research has been done about it. According to Medical
News Today, the beet red color is normally broken down in the stomach and
colon and this process causes an increase in oxalic acid levels.
When oxalic acid levels are too high red poop is usually
observed in people who do not experience beeturia.
Another research
from the University of Urbino indicates that betanin plays a great role in
“slowing down” colon-cancer metastasis. They also mention that “when oxalic
acid is too much in the system, it greatly increases the
chances of kidney stones”.
Globe and Mail also notes that you can use this beet red color phenomenon
to know how long your digestive system takes to get rid of wastes from your
body. But you also might notice a crimson blue or light pink color from wastes
produced, not always red.
Beet Color is Mostly Harmless
Don’t be shocked when you notice changes in color after
having a nice plate of salad with beet leaves. According to research done by Harvard
Health Online, beeturia doesn’t indicate serious health problems. Eating
berries too can change the color of urine.
Fruits such as rhubarb can also turn urine pink or red. Rhubarb
can also turn turn urine or poop to a specific tint of dark brown. But
obviously this color change varies from one person to another.
Interestingly, eating foods rich in vitamin C can also,
although rarely, turn urine orange. Some research also indicate that too much
Vitamin B turns urine orange-green.
Beet Red Color is a highly natural that is beneficial, too. With the change in the season, we start seeing a lot of red colored botanical lives around us and portrays some beautiful bright colored shades that life can create. There are red natural pigments found in the plants or their fruits that are world-wide used for cooking and eating. According to recently published research scientists found out about a key step that reveals us about the beautiful red colors of new species of beets which will provide information regarding how this new form came into existence.
Physical Information
The beets that are consumable provide us Red Color. They are one of the few plants are planted for their roots as their roots play an important role. These beets are evolved from the species that are found in Asia, few regions of Europe and North America.
There are many different types of beets, few are as given
Forage beet
Sugar beet
Pigment Betanin
Betanin is a pigment that is found in different species of beets. This pigment is also used to distill red color. The beet yellow color and anthocyanin combined to develop. It is very useful as food since it has a lot of nutrition in it such as potassium, manganese, iron, and dietary fiber and it is PH dependent color.
Beet develops betalains into them which is made up of an amino acid named tyrosine and betalains are the reasons for red hot hue and scent that comes out of red beet. Tyrosine is a material that developed thousands of plant compounds. The unusual behavior that tyrosine abnormally kept on generating causes pigment to become red.
Benefits of Beet Red Color
It is very efficient for the flow of blood and enhances it. It also controls blood pressure.
Very useful for decreasing triglycerides and cholesterol.
Helps and enhances the functions of the liver and kidney.
Beet red color in the powder helps in curing skin problems, lethargy, and headaches. The beet-red color is helpful in the treatment of skin issues and headaches as well.
Improves the immune system. The immunity of humans gets enhanced.
Chemical-free blush is also developed from the beet-red color.
Usage of Beet Red Color
It is a natural food color which is also used for supplements of food. Beet red color has become one of the most liked color due to the efforts done for removing synthetic food color and adding natural colorants.
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