Choosing the Best Monascus Red Colour for Sauce

Choosing the Best Monascus Red Colour for Sauce


Soy sauce is a dark-brown colour liquid produced by the fermentation of soya beans. It is generally used to add flavour to the food and portrays an appealing look. As soya beans contain a high volume of protein, they help in improving the digestive system.

Monascus is termed as a natural food colour that is dark red in property and developed by the fermentation of red yeast;

fermentation refers to the breaking down of a substance into smaller particles. In this modern world, colour is widely use in different products. But are we aware of the different monascus, each with a distinctive property, are available out there in the market? Let us discuss.


and to develop batch-to-batch consistency.

Batch-to-batch consistency is define as minimal possible changes from one product to another. As we all know that manufacturers go through a standardization process to bring out high-quality products in the market, this equal standard strategy signals batch-to-batch consistency. Generally, there exist red-brown, yellow-brown, red-orange, orange-brown, and orange-yellow features of the pigment.

If the manufacturer desires to improve the batch-to-batch consistency of the soya sauce, then it would be better to choose orange-brown (the closest one to the original colour), so that you can examine consumption levels of the product in different areas of a region.

On the other hand, if you’re a manufacturer and aim for a delightful look for the soya sauce, you should opt for red-brown colour, as this is the hue incorporate in the product for years, and your sudden colour change might negatively affect your business

Firm attachment

It is an acknowledgeable fact that adding natural colours to a certain edible might eradicate some of the nutrients, which in turn would provide little-to-no health benefits. In the case of soya sauce, there are class 1, 3, and 4 monascus colours used. If aim to provide an alluring look and good taste, it is advisable to use class 3 colours, as it contains red-brown characteristics and acts as a condiment.

On the other hand, if you are more of the health side and want customers to gain nutrients,

then you surely should use class 1 and 4 colours;

failure to do this would remove protein,

a key nutrient in the soya beans, and an individual would consume just to fill his/her stomach.


It is inevitable for the monascus red colour in the soya sauce to be stable in the 20 per cent salt solution.

If the hue does not stand firm against the said solution,

it will eventually form a cloud-like structure in the sauce and spark out.

On the other hand, if the sauce is highly salt-concentrate, it would be better to add the colour after the sauce becomes thinner (watery), so that the colour does not fade away.


The producer needs to consider the above-mentioned points, to gain customer satisfaction and drive market sales

Cost of Natural Colours

Cost of Natural Colours

A short intro about natural colours is that they are something provided by nature, and used in almost every aspect of our lives, from foods to clothes, cosmetics to furniture, etc. According to science, the three main colours that are widely use are red, green, and blue, and are referr to as “Primary Colours”. But are we familiar with the cost of such natural colours? Let us discuss this.

Cost of Natural Colours

The prices of such colours fluctuate and es. For instance, a huge proportion of a country’s population consumes strawberry ice cream, or maybe uses red-coloured facial creams, then the cost of carmine is likely to be increased because demand outweighs supply.

On the other hand, if the same population consumes fewer olives, then the cost of chlorophyll is said to be reduced because the less demand means manufacturers have more olives and are willing to clear out their stock at low prices.

There are other factors too that influence the worth of natural colours. Climate, disastrous activity, country of manufacture, order size, and last but not the least, negotiation skills are such factors. Let us go through step by step.


Climate refers to the average temperature of a region. It is a fact that most of the natural colours are derive from natural vegetation, be it leaves, beetroot, cauliflower, spinach, etc.

If the climate required for a specific crop is unfavourable, there would be an existence of exorbitant prices. On the contrary, if the climate is suitable, there will be a yield of ample crops, meaning that a large volume of supply would lower down the prices. Similarly, a considerable amount of rain and sunlight adds to the growth of the crop, but anything in excess always ends up providing loss.

Droughts, on the other hand, tend to negatively affect the plants; drought generally refers to water shortage and a dry situation. Imagine if we human beings are not given water for 2-3 days, how would we feel? The only reliable solution to this is to cut down on water waste and save for our food sources, as well as future generations.

Negotiation skills

Negotiation takes you places in the business world. If you’re a fast-food restaurant owner and want natural food colours at economical rates, keeping in mind that you’re ambitious and making huge profits out of this, then you must speak to your supplier for a long-term deal, that will benefit both, the supplier and the owner. These small acts result in drastic changes in your business profitability.

Order size

If we order a suit for every member of a building, it will cost you less per unit than if you were to order for yourself. This is because the machine is bound to work, be it a suit or 100 suits, and large quantities of articles would save electricity and the maintenance cost.

This saved money would be transfer to you, thus, benefits both parties. This would be applicable if you own a restaurant chain and want to order for every local branch. This is consider a key part of your business profitability margin.


You might now have realized about the different agents that affect the pricing of natural food colours. As colours are used in spices, which are extract from the crops, it is more important than ever to care about the environment and ensure no disturbance in our daily consumption.

Reasons for edible color being used in food

Reasons for edible color being used in food

Food colours, as we all are familiar with, are widely being used in food products and liquid refreshments, be it natural or artificial. The question is, what are the reasons behind this addition to edibles? Well, we would like to give an insight into this

Represent a flavour

There’s a famous saying, “Unless or until you won’t show it, it won’t sell”. The manufacturer seeks every possible way to make his or her product attractive, and it’s a universal fact that a world without colours is like a fish out of water – no purpose. Thus, the producer uses the pigments to drive sales, increase revenue, and capture the majority of market capitalization.

Talking from a consumer’s side, it’s inevitable that a product without colours would make it impossible to identify which flavour is used; colours portray flavours. A yellow die showcases lemon flavour, red for pomegranate and cherry, and green for pears and avocado. If a consumer dislikes a specific taste, he would not buy the one! Hence, colours assist the locals by making purchasing choices feasible. 


A wide number of products contain crops, and they might not show the required colour after harvesting. For example, corn flakes might contain minimal amounts of corn, which is an agriculture-based product; to maintain yellow colour after collecting, the producers add colours, to meet consumer’s demands.

Consequently, there is a bonding of trust created between the producer and the shopper, which benefits both; the shopper gets the required consumption at discounts in the longer run, and the producer might get some new customers through referrals and quality of trust.

Shade lost during purifying

A lot of you might not know the verity that giving heat to a product kills microorganisms, small species that have adverse effects on human health; microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This implementation of heat ensures that a specific product is safe for consumption. In this contemporary world, the user’s health is more important than ever; in respect to this, the manufacturers pasteurize commodities before being available in the market. This signals towards the better quality of the edible, attracting existing consumers and gaining new ones.

But why add pigment? Following the researches carried out by scientists, the colour of the edible is lost quite frequently during the process of giving heat, i.e., pasteurization. As a solution to this, colours are added to beautify the goods and would generally appease us. After all, who would buy a dull article? 


Another important reason why colours are used in everyday goods is to express meaning; the red colour symbolizes tasty since the apples and cherries are mouth-watering.

On the other hand, the yellow colour is considered to be the happiest one. Besides, the colour ‘green’ expresses healthy, in the sense that plants are green-coloured, and they are vital for the atmosphere to remain healthy, as well as our structure being healthy through a plant-based diet.

Last but not the least, the orange colour showcases energizing, since carrot juices and orange juices drank in the scorching heat makes an individual feel energized.

Natural colours of cosmetics

Natural colours of cosmetics

Cosmetics, for those of you who might not be familiar with it, are a range of products from body spray to perfumes, lotions to face creams, hair gel to lipsticks, all those which add value to a physical appearance of a man or woman.

As cosmetics are generally a part of our everyday lives, it is important to be notified about an array of different natural colours used in these.

Monascus red colour

In simplest possible terms, monascus is a natural colour actively use in food products. When red yeast is ferment, the output is the said colour. It has been said to have been use in cosmetics more often, due to its colour and availability.

You might be wondering if the pigment has any adverse effects on the applied surface; scientists have deduced that there aren’t any side effects, and thus, is safe to use.


It is fundamentally a red dye extract from female insects. Carmine is also termed as chochineal. It is widely use in cosmetics products, with red lipsticks and red-coloured facial cream on the top of the list.

According to scientists, the presence of antioxidants in the pigment might improve your skin texture, adding value to your appearance

Rosmarinic pigment

As the name suggests, rosmarinic dye is derive from rosemary, a herb. The said dye has been examine in products which are coloured red-orange. There is a high availability of rosmarinic, and fits perfectly in cosmetics, constituting minimal side effects.

Radish red colour

Distinctively known for it’s red-colour property, it’s easily solubility in water makes it feasible for use in shampoos, hair gels, handwashes, oil, etc. The mentioned pigment is derive from an edible vegetable.

It has been report that radish has high occupancy of Vitamin C, an antioxidant, that helps in protecting skin cells from damage.


Beta-Carotene is a natural product colour responsible for the production of Vitamin A. Vitamin A, in turn, keeps your skin, eyes, and hair healthy. Likewise, the said vitamin is an antioxidant that prevents cells from damage. The colour can be widely recognize in cosmetics across the world and does not carry with it any calamitous effects.


For those of you who have studied science, they were taught that chlorophyll is a green pigment through which plants make food. Correspondingly, we should be aware of the fact that many cosmetics manufacturers use this pigment to give a greenish shade.

This may range from soaps to shampoos, creams to face masks, etc. The cooling feature of chlorophyl is admire by many and will continue to do so in the near future.

Gardenia Yellow

As the title represents, gardenia is a dye which is yellow-colour and derive from Gardenia Jasminoides Ellis, a fruit-giving plant. Most commonly seen in sunblocks, lemon-flavoured cosmetics, and shampoos.

It is easily soluble in water and stable on alkaline side. Besides the mentioned category, gardenia yellow is also popularly use in food products and beverages.

We now have come to realize about the various natural colours used in cosmetics. These play a significant role in the ultimate appearance of a product and thus, drives market sales.

What’s the best color to replace Carmine

What’s the best color to replace Carmine

To introduce you to the topic, carmine, also commonly known as cochineal, is a natural food colour that is drawn out from the structure of female insects. The insects, red in property, gives out red pigments when taken out. According to studies, these types of insects can be frequently found in Latin America, a part of the country which constitutes several other regions. But are we aware of the fact that what can be used in place of carmine? Let us give you a detailed discussion about it.

Why substitutes?

As human beings are sensible enough to consume certified products, i.e., approved from the food authority. The said food colour, possessing this distinct feature of extraction from an insect, is not consider safe to eat. Thus, the manufacturers need to seek for different alternatives that can be used instead of cochineal.


In simplest terms, anthocyanins are pigments that can be examined in natural products, the fruits and vegetables. They typically portray red, purple, or blue shades, directly linked with their pH (Power of hydrogen). In this contemporary world, some of the common edibles that have anthocyanins are blackberries, blueberries, and cherries.

After giving heat to the dye, the dye preserves its red colour, therefore, making it a stable alternative to cochineal.


Monascus is basically a classification of yeast, particularly the red yeast, use quite often in countries like Japan and China; red yeast is broke down into smaller substances, and that’s what exactly is monascus. It’s red-coloured characteristic makes it feasible for use in place of carmine; monascus is generally include in edibles like meat, ice-cream, rice, beverages, ketchups, etc. The Chinese are the most familiar with this pigment, according to researches carried out.

They are safe for consumption, don’t carry with them adverse effects on health, and should be used by the producers in lieu of the carmine.


For those of you who might not know what paprika is, it is a food spice compose of red chillies; the red chillies are broke down until it becomes powder. The said powder is paprika. It’s dark orange to red property can be a perfect competitor to carmine. Surprisingly, the spice also contains health benefits; capsaicin is a compound that has antioxidation property – combats several types of cancers, boosts immunity, and aids in the personal well-being of an individual.

It’s widely use for topping on consumptions like rice, vegetables, and meat. The spice can be cost-effective for the manufacturers in the long run, and so, they should take up this and remove cochineal.


Beetsare vegetables that are often a part of salad. They’re dark-pink to slight-red aspect aims at replacing the pigment mentioned at the very start. They’re available on beet plants. They can attain to the pH level as that of the carmine, making them viable for use in yoghurts and dairy products, which includes milk and cheese. Beet is cost-effective, holds numerous health benefits, and has a great sunlight stability.

Everything about E-Numbers

Everything about E-Numbers

Ever thought of what exactly does E-numbers represent, when we have a glance at the list of ingredients used in that specific product, maybe Lays? Let discuss in detail.


E-numbers, also commonly known as “European Numbers,” is a labelling action introduced by the “European Food Safety Authority,” (EFSA) in the early 1970s to mark a specific product as safe for consumption; it generally replaces the name of a preservative, additive, or chemical name.

A large number of consumers often get worried about whether the ingredients used in the product might not have adverse effects on health, so the EU setup the said organization to satisfy the consumers.

There are a total of 27 countries within the EU till date, with the inclusion of Germany, Denmark, Italy, and Spain.

Single Benefit to Manufacturer:

If you're a manufacturer, the single biggest benefit of having EFSA label at the back of your product packet might actually increase your sales; as consumers are now becoming more detail-oriented, they will definitely choose products that are health-friendly.

Various examples:

According to researches carried out by chemical experts, there are certain categories for which E-numbers are normally there. The following numbers are found within European borders. Apart from this, there is a country in which ‘E’ is omitted and only number is written, and that’s none other than Australia.

An edible high in antioxidants are meant to be healthy when consumed; fruits and vegetables are the main types of consumptions that contain antioxidants.

The E-number associated with the said ones generally lie between 300 and 399; if the maker is selling tomato sauce, this signals that the product contains Vitamin C, which is a type of antioxidant. Therefore, if there’s E-321, or maybe E-456 written, you should be aware of the fact that the said range contains Vitamin C.


Similarly, let’s talk about preservatives. For those of you who might not know what preservatives are, they are special substances that minimizes microorganisms' growth and prevents the product from decaying, which makes it futile. Beverages, processed foods, paint boxes, body sprays, and even medications contain preservatives. The E-number for the said chemical ranges from 200 till 299. For instance, you head over to the supermarket to buy a frozen packet of meat, you might see E-298, or maybe E-253 labelled, or you are in need of a Coca-Cola, you will visualize various numbers, E-222 or E-278, E-277 or E-230; there’s nothing to be frighten about.

Likewise, let’s talk about sweeteners; like cookies, ice-creams, pancakes, and birthday cakes cannot be prepared without sugar, given that a high intake of sugar increases blood sugar levels, so what to do now?

Thus, a vast number of confectionaries are actively investing in sweeteners and softness of the product; sucralose and fructose syrup are commonly use worldwide to replace harmful sugar. The E-number for the said category varies from 700-999, limiting to European customers.

The above information could be use by an individual to better select a product according to your health.

Conclusively, E-numbers are not a symbol of harm to your body. Instead, they replace the name of a specific chemical with a number, so that the EFSA can easily track their data by simply entering a number rather than full name.

To learn about natural color click Santacolor.

How to Choose Food Color Suppliers?

How to Choose Food Color Suppliers?

A natural food colour is basically a dye derived from consumable fruits, vegetables, leaves, and minerals . A chemical process takes place usually in separating the pigments from the edibles. Their unique property of representing a specific colour, ranging from black to green, is what our main subject of discussion is; it’s certain that there is always a need of a man or an organization to fulfil the said property.

Key elements:

We must be very well aware of the fact that the dynamic world has shown us how the food industry has transformed through the years passed by. Likewise, adding natural colours to a meal, to give a good-look and add to its flavours, has become more important than ever.

The fundamental reason for this is increased population and less supply, through which all individuals are not able to attend to that specific dish. Therefore, businesses are actively purchasing food colours in bulk.

Suppose you are a restaurant owner or maybe a small confectionary shop proprietor, have you ever wondered about which food colour supplier to partner with? Let’s get a detailed discussion over it.


The first thing that might cross into your brain is the money. How much of a money will your supplier cost you?

To make an informed decision about this, it is important to know about the different prices offered by the provider of the said item. Besides, communication and the power of convincing is the key.

You need to introduce the positive outlook of your business and have talks over long-term partnership, which might actually turn the deal towards your end.

Different colour value has a different cost, those certificated supplier’s product is a little higher. When you plan to change the synthetic colours to natural colour, you may need to be ready for the higher cost.


In businesses, quality is considered as the “King”. You must realize the significance of quality and have little-to-no compromise on it. Consumers would eventually shift to any other eateries, which means your own loss towards the end of the day. You must find a supplier with a quality product at a market competitive price. This shall surely benefit your business in the long run. We do recommend you to test natural colour samples from supplier to ensure that colour can be used for your end product

Search for professionals:

A skilled one in the field would be the perfect collaboration. It is recommended to ask the provider for his portfolio,

raise a knowledge-related question to check his understanding, and then take a day or two to decide. You shall also search for any available websites of the partner.

Production space:

It would be a smart choice to be educate about the manufacturing plants available in your geography. The closer the plant, the lesser the transportation cost, which will help you in cost reduction. Similarly, your precious time would be save if any product-issue query arises.

Brand Image:

Likewise, the provider should have good customer reviews, a strong market reputation, and a strong clientele body. This would help in clearing your doubts related to product quality, quick answers to queries, etc.

According to researches, China is highly reputable in food colours industry, which contributes to a major factor of their strong economy,

increased market capitalization, and global strategic partnerships. Chinese suppliers are more competitive on natural colours, and Indian suppliers are more competitive on synthetic colours.

Main Difference Between Chlorophyll & Chlorophyllin

Main Difference Between Chlorophyll & Chlorophyllin

  • Chlorophyllin is using as an additive to medicines or food colouring, which can be taken with meals as a supplement. Chlorophyll is that the natural substance present in green plants that provides them with their colour. So it helps plants to soak up energy from the sun as they undergo the method of photosynthesis.
  • This edible is found in green vegetables and other plant-based foods, like algae. The greener the vegetable is the good its chlorophyll content.
  • For more than 50 decades, Chlorophyllin is used to treat bad-smelling wounds & it is used to speed up slow healing. 
  • It's semi-synthetic, water-soluble, but it is not fat-soluble. At the same time, if we talk about Chlorophyllit is a natural substance in plants & is naturally in oil-soluble form.
  • We only can use Chlorophyll in the limited application. That's why Chlorophyll is always converted into Chlorophyllin.

Difference B/w  Chlorophyll & Chlorophy

Chlorophyllin Chlorophyll
Is water-soluble & it can be used in gummies or boiled sweets Is oil soluble which is use in applications like cocoa butter or compound coating.
It is found in the chloroplasts in green plants. It give plants and algae their green color
Chlorophyllin is water soluble ,where sodium copper salts derived from chlorophyll. There are two categories of chlorophyll (A) & (B) both are fat soluble
This is a chemical made of chlorophyll Its basic structure is porphyrin ring
Is not a fat soluble Is fat soluble

Why we need to Conversion

  • Chlorophyll is always in oil-soluble form, but unfortunately, it can not be used in as much application, so we convert it into a water-soluble form so we can use it in as much application as possible.
  • And To convert chlorophyll to chlorophyllin, we put it through a process called ‘saponification. During this process, non-water-soluble are removed. So As a result, pigment is water-soluble and appears slightly more vibrant in colour than the first chlorophyll. It is often utilized in applications like hard candies and boiled sweets.

Benefits of Chlorophyll & Chlorophyllin

Benefits of Chlorophyll & Chlorophyllin

Chlorophyll Chlorophyllin
It improves the immune system Antioxidant
Kick out the fungus from the body Anti inflammatory
Detoxify blood Helps to stop body from absorbing bad chemicals
Helps in cancer prevention Good for skin
Give your body energy  Use as a medicine

Both chlorophyll & chlorophyllin have similar properties. However, results from the research are still sundry about either chlorophyll can boost your health in these ways. But Larger, more rigorous studies are needed to guage the potential health benefits of chlorophyll.

Dosage & Warning

  • The appropriate dose of chlorophyllin depends on various factors like the Individual age, health, & various other conditions. At present there's not enough scientific information about how much dosage should be consider of chlorophyllin. So you should contact your general physician or doctor before using it

If You would like to send us an inquiry regarding this product click here

To know more about natural colours click Santacolor.

How is Phycocyanin made

How is Phycocyanin made


Phycocyanin is maybe a filamentous cyanobacterium that's blue-green. It's a pigment-protein complex from the phycobiliprotein family, which comes with allophycocyanin & phycoerythrin. It's water-soluble.

Today we are going to discuss in detail that how Phycocyanin is made & how can we get benefit from using it within different applications

Processing Information

Extraction Processing details which is applicable and include HACCP & CCPS plan

Certified Spirulina powder Seperation of Solid Liquid Spray dying Put In storage
Soak Raw Material Filtration & Ultra filtration Mixing,sieving & packing  
Breaking the cells of spirulina Ultra High speed centrifugation Foreign Material detection  

Subunits of Phycobiliproteins

  • There are two subunits of phycobiliproteins, "Alpha & beta", which have the protein's backbone where one or two tetrapyrrole chromophores are covalently bound.
  • Phycocyanin is usually found in the cyanobacteria, which grow nearby hot weather because it can remain stable up to 70 °C, with light-absorbing behaviours at 20 and 70 °C.
  • Thermophiles contain a bit different aminoalkanoic acid cycle making them stable under these higher conditions.
  • The relative molecular mass is about 30,000 Da. 
  • The stability of this protein invitro at these temperatures has been disported to be substantially lower.
  • Photo-spectral inspection of the protein after 1 min exposure to 65 °C conditions during a purified state demonstrated a 50% loss of tertiary structure.

Making of Phycocyanin

  • There are various methods for the production of Phycocyanin, including photoautotrophic, mixotrophic, heterotrophic, & recombinant production.
  • Production of Phycocyanin happens where cyanobacteria spread in open ponds in tropical or either subtropical regions, whereas the production of 
  • Mixotrophic algae grow in the culture where they have the source of organic carbon like glucose.
  • Let us have a look at Subunits of Phycocyanin.

Subunits of Phycocyanin

  • Phycocyanins are made up of phycocyanobilin as chromophores are specified to C-phycocyanins C-PC. 
  • The monomer of C-PC contain dissimilar α- and β-polypeptide units (∼20 kDa), containing 1 & 2 phycocyanobilins covalently sure to cysteines at position 84 (α) and 84 and 155 (β) 
  • The monomers aggregate quickly to make trimers (α,β)3 and hexamers (α,β)6 
  • The latter is an essential part of the phycobilisomes—a supramolecular assembly of phycobiliproteins in cyanobacteria and algae.

Intro to Phycobiliproteins

Phycobiliproteins are proteins that set up light-harvesting antenna complexes (phycobilisomes) and act as photosynthetic accessory pigments in cyanobacteria and alga (Yan et al., 2010).

They might even be used as storage protein in some algae, deteriorate to provide nitrogen within the absence of nitrogen.

Usage Of Phycocyanin

This natural pigment is primarily used in Japan & China as a colouring agent, and it includes various health benefits like, For instance

  • It promotes blood cell growth
  • It also Improve immune function 
  • Make health good enough to fight with various diseases
  • And many Other health benefits



  • Dairy products
  • Jellies, Gum candies
  • Beverages
  • Cosmetics

To send us an inquiry right away regarding this product, please click Phycocyanin

 To learn more about natural colours and their uses, click Santacolor

Monascus Purpureus

Monascus Purpureus

Commercial Use

It's a yeast or fungus use commercially to produce statins to lower blood cholesterol. It's an essential fungus and is use in the form of red yeast rice. The purpose of using red yeast is to maintain the desirable cholesterol levels in people. The red yeast's active ingredient is the same as in the prescription drug, known by the name of statins used to control high cholesterol.

Monascus purpureus red yeast rice

Monascus purpureus is a rice product that is fermented with red yeast. It contains various hereditary mevinic acids include lovastatin, which is a medicinal product use to lower cholesterol.

Still, it is more referr to by its name monacolin when it is found in red rice.

Monacolin is also responsible for lowering the activity of the extract RYR. China and its neighbor Asian countries also use this product as a portion of food & medicine.

Benefits of Using Monascus purpureus

  • This product is used as a medicinal food that helps to improve blood circulation by decreasing the triglyceride levels  & cholesterol in the blood.
  • This product became popular because of its natural statin properties. This dietary supplement also contains various amounts of natural monacolins resulting from different product strains used in fermentation. These are some more benefits below.

Some additional benefits :

  1. Promote heart health
  1. Best for inflammation
  1. Improve blood sugar levels
  1. Reduce risk ok Metabolic syndrome
  1. Reduce cancer risk

Relationship With Monascus Red

Likewise, other natural pigments,  monascus spp cannot be use solo for various types of food products just because of the sensitivity of their physical parameters. So by a traditional method, pigment production engages where the fungus has grown on the steamed rice. 

  • Red fermented rice production is a mixture of monascus purpureus & yeast.
  • The Monascus spp. Crash the starch in rice to simple sugars, while yeast continues the breakdown process converting it to alcohol.
  •  The fungus ferments in rice development of mycelium, unless a crimson pigment spread the grain ultimately. This provides the merchandise with a characteristic red colour.
  •  The red-coloured rice was later converted to powder and used as a colouring agent.

Monascus Red Natural colour

We offer many of our products to our customers, but the best one in natural red is monascus red.

It is the king of natural red colour because of its tremendous health benefits. Monascus red is species of purplish-red colour.

 It also has another name, like red yeast pigment, rice kernel discolouration, monascorubrin, corn silage, etc.  

 Characteristics :

  • E100 
  • It is a Water-soluble pigment
  • Red rice starter
  • Red Kojic
  • KFDA NO.94

Application :

 You can use this pigment in the following foods :

  • It can be use in the Wine
  • Candies
  • In a Cooked meat
  • In Bean curd
  • Can be use in Ice cream, Popsicles, Jellies
  • Puffed food, Pastries, Jam colouring
  • Also use in Medicine & cosmetics as a colouring agent

To send us inquiries regarding Monascus Red natural colour, please visit page Monascus Red.

To learn more about natural colours, visit Santacolor.

5 Best Ways to Choose Natural Colors

5 Best Ways to Choose Natural Colors

There are various types of natural colors from different sources. But choosing the right color for your product seems to be difficult. For your ease, we have broken down the key factor which will help you to choose the right color for your product.

Ways to Choose Colour


Flavors play a vital role to guide you on what natural color you should choose. For Instance, if you are going with lemon flavor, turmeric curcumin , safflower yellow, Gardenia yellow are the best yellows for your product because they provide very bright yellow colors. But If you want to have pineapple or mango flavor, beta-carotene or annatto are the best options for you because they provide because they give more orange or more golden yellow colors which attract consumers even more.


If your product goes through the heat procedure like HTST, pasteurization, baking, or maybe extrusion you should choose a heat-stable natural color in that case. Many natural colour have the ability where they can resist heat. Such natural colors are anthocyanins, carmine, beta-carotene, annatto, turmeric, copper chlorophyllin & carbon black & caramel colors as well, Natural brown & burnt sugars.

How to avoid colors being fade by heat

Colors that fade away with heat are mostly beet root red & Chlorophyll. For such cases, you can add more colors than you need upfront to avoid them being fade. But probably you want to avoid both of them.

Light :

Likewise, heat, some of the natural colors execute better with light exposure than others. You should avoid Paprika & beet red if your packaging is clear. You should also avoid Chlorophyll because it is not suitable for light. If you are trying to make a blue product you should use opaque packaging to protect the integrity of the color because the hue has limited options.

Interaction with other ingredients:

You should be very careful regarding ingredient interactions because if your product contains an emulsifier, you must check that whether the natural color formulation is even compatible with the other ingredients or not. Avoiding it may result in a broken emulsion. You should also be aware of vitamins & minerals because they can cause fading of the natural color in the final product.

pH-sensitive Colour :

You must also be aware of ph-sensitive colors. Natural colors like red, purple carrot & elderberry are those natural colors that are sensitive to pH. It means that the shifting of the hue depends on the pH of the application they are in. If you are working with a beverage or a confection at a low pH it will appear red, but if you use a higher pH, it will turn purple-y blue.

Spirulina is also pH sensitive color. It works better between pH 4-7. Mostly other natural colors are stable with a wider pH range but hardly one or two will work in a pH under 2 like soda concentrates.

To know more about the natural pigments click this link now Santa color

How to test natural colours stability?

How to test natural colours stability?

 Various factors affect the natural colour stability. We test the natural colours because it ensures the processing formulation & packaging solutions are whether robust and validated or not

Today we are going to share how we can test stability for heat, light and acid.

Heat Stability

It's essential to know the heat stability of the natural colours before we use them in food like bakeries, beverages, confections, extruded products where the colour will be put through high temperature or periods of extended heat.

  • There are various ways we can test the stability of heat for different applications. Usually, we can determine the stability of colours by incubating the colour at the same time and when temperature is close to the customer's application.
  • Colour is measure with a colourimeter before the test and after being put through the heat process.
  • Colour must remain vibrant throughout the manufacturing process as well as the product shelf life.
  • That's why we test our colours to ensure they stay stable at different temperatures or not.
  • We start by preparing multiple samples in the application; in this example, we'll use beta carotene in beverages then we will measure the hue using a colourimeter. This measurement will serve as our baseline.
  • We want the colour to remain as close to this measurement as possible throughout the heat test. Once we have our baseline, we start the test.


  • Multiple samples of the same beverage are store at different temperatures. One is refrigerating at four degrees Celsius, one is at room temperature at 20 degrees Celsius, & one is put in a hot box at 32 degrees celsius each week during the test.
  • We measure the colour of each sample to see if there have been any changes at the end of the test.
  • We take a final reading and compare it to the baseline from the start of the test as you will see the before and after readings are highly close, meaning the colour remains consistent throughout the test at all three temperatures.

Light Stability

  • It is the most commonly request test from the customers because customers want to know whether their product will retain the initial vibrancy.
  • The light stability test is a real-time test when the final packaging happening under the same lightning. For instance, Cool white UV, DE65 artificial sunlight under which the product will be store.
  • Under such conditions, when we have accurate and precise measurements using either a spectrophotometer can track the colour change.
  •  And if due to some reason, real-time testing is not possible, maybe because of short development, accelerated light testing is done using high-intensity light.

Acid Stability

  • So It's another commonly request test from customers. It is generally specific to customers and applications where pH, temperature, & even time profile are particular to the application.
  • In this test, we add natural colours to the solutions at a range of pH levels where colour is measure for a specific time; if the colour is not faded, we consider it has good acid stability.
  • However, another stability test like alcohol, salt, flavour depends on specific customers’ requirements.

To even learn more about natural colour, click here SANTACOLOR.

5 Things about black ice cream & vegetable carbon

5 Things about black ice cream & vegetable carbon

Vegetable carbon (activated charcoal) is a natural black powder obtained from the green bamboo & it is refined from the high temperature of the carbonization process. This natural colour is used as a food colour additive or a food supplement.

Vegetable carbon contains various health benefits & may use to prevent multiple diseases. This natural pigment provides a unique black colour to the foods.

Black Ice-cream

Black ice cream is trendy because of its unique black colour & fantastic taste.

Ice cream is made of the activated charcoal pigment. We know some people recognize this pigment that has detox ability that doctors use in hospitals and emergency rooms for poisons and toxins.

Still, this black ice cream made of activated charcoal gets most of the attention because of how it looks. Even if it seems intense colour-wise, it’s reasonably mild with a taste like a coconut & vanilla. Keep in mind the average amount use for vegetable carbon for a day is 20-30g don’t exceed its limit

Remember to add coconut ash (activated charcoal) in a controlled amount because exceeding the limit may result in undesirable health effects. Consuming activated charcoal when taking over the counter vitamins or drugs can make drugs or vitamins ineffective.

According to research, this natural pigment helps to kick out the bad toxins from the body & when we use this pigment in ice cream, it not only gives an ice cream a unique colour, but it also boosts your energy & very good for your skin as well. This natural pigment also works as a filter, and if you want to drink clean water, add some charcoal in the filtration system to remove any toxic. 

Uses of activated charcoal

You can use activated charcoal in

  1. Food
  2. Coconut ash ice-cream
  3. Lemonades
  4. Pizza crust
  5. Boozy cocktails

Activated charcoal will give an intense black colour to these foods as your cold dark soul

Top Brands Black ice cream & Benefits of carbon black

Carbon Black is famous for its digestive health benefits people with digestion issues; this natural pigment can help them relieve indigestion. Regarding black ice cream, many well-known brands are selling out their black ice cream in the world. Some of them are:

Morganstern’s Finest Ice Cream (Rivington St, New York)

Demi Concept ( Thailand)

Ca Lem Creamery ( Canada)

Glacier Vanille Noir (Marseille, France)

Tim & Tim Ice Cream (Moscow, Russia)


We will guide you on making black ice cream; the recipe to make black ice is quite simple. It would help if you had few things to make black ice cream. You will need

Two need cups of cream with ½ cup of activated charcoal ( coconut ash) 

Two tablespoons of zest with 850 ml of coconut milk.

Two tablespoons lemon juice & 2 tsp of vanilla extract

Once all of these are available, add ¼ cup of cream and activated charcoal to a glass. Beat it gently to set the mixture. Then use a separate bowl to mix lemon juice and condensed milk, then add some amount to lemon zest as described earlier in order to increase the lemon flavour.

Once all of these are available, add ¼ cup of cream and activated charcoal to a glass. Beat it gently to set the mixture. Then use a separate bowl to mix lemon juice and condensed milk, then add some amount to lemon zest as described earlier in order to increase the lemon flavour.

Before proceeding to the last procedure, add vanilla extract & the remaining activated charcoal ¼ cup into the mixture and mix it well. In the end, add both mixtures into the load      pan and freeze overnight. You are ready to serve tasty and black ice cream. 

To know more about Vegetable carbon click here SANTACOLOR

Why the US FDA has not approved carbon black for colouring food

Why the US FDA has not approved carbon black for colouring food

Carbon black (E153)

Vegetable carbon black is a food additive. It's an odourless black powder that is rarely used alone in food.

It is suitable for particular varieties of sweetmeat like ice cream, desserts, bakery products, cheese coating, decorations, etc.

Legal no & registry

Legal No (E 153), CAS Registry Number 7440-44-0.

Not Approved By FDA

FDA is food & drug administration in the US, and they are accountable for protecting the public's health, ensuring their safety & security. The reasons are below why they didn't approve carbon black in the US yet.

No regulation on activated charcoal

  • FDA does not allow restaurant's & cafes in the US to serve food having "Activated charcoal" in it.
  • They says that there are no regulations yet regarding activated charcoal as a food or colour additive to be added to food.
  • FDA says that qualified experts are required to recognize that the use of activated charcoal in food is safe.
  • Before the FDA makes their official approval & decision.
  • Though charcoal is entirely safe & Europe, Australia & many other countries are using it as a food colouring agent.
  • With the help of activated charcoal,
  • Not only poisonings like food & others is treateable.
  • But it is very beneficial for
  • Reducing intestinal gas, low cholesterol levels, preventing hangovers, treating bile flow problems during pregnancy.
  • Although some US agency batches also certify that the use of this vegetable carbon natural colour is safe as a food additive or food colouring agent.
  • But US district laboratories need qualitative analytical
  • They want to know ways to determine
  • That the presence of activated charcoal in the vegetable carbon black is safe before they officially approve the use of this pigment is entirely secure.

Trends & Scientific Opinion

  • European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) deliver a scientific opinion regarding vegetable carbon (E 153) as a food colouring substance.
  • European Food Safety Authority ( EFSA) says that carbon black is evaluated by the SFC in 1977-1983
  • The SFC concluded by the use of vegetable carbon black is completely safe & could be used in food.
  • It becomes a trend in Europe & other countries to serve this food pigment in beverages
  • Like juices, ice cream, cake, desserts etc.
  • Vegetable carbon black contains 1.0/kg of residual carcinogenic, which is entirely safe and not of safety concern.
  • Vegetable carbon black is authorize as a food additive in the EU by the scientific food committee in 1977.
  • And by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) in 1970


These were some back clashes regarding vegetable carbon black & its approval by FDA.

Definitely in future, we can expect that FDA will approve the use of this vegetable carbon black natural colour because of its benefits.

Kindly visit our site to learn more about Natural Pigments. SANTACOLOR

Top 20 Best Natural Food Coloring in 2021

Top 20 Best Natural Food Coloring in 2021

Pigment in fruit & vegetables is perfect for us, and the best way to ensure you are eating enough of each is to eat a variety of different coloured fruits & vegetables. Try to eat at least one serving of fruit or vegetable from each colour band every day. The more you add these natural pigments in daily life routine, The better your health.

Radish red colourGardenia yellow ChlorophyllGrape skin red colourGardenia Blue
Perilla red colourCarthamus yellow colour Sodium Copper chlorophyllPurple sweet potatoSpirulina Blue
Monascus red colour CurcuminCabbage red colour
RosmarinicCarthamus red colourBeetroot red colour
Red capsicum Colour Purple carrot colour
Sorghum red colour Purple Corn Red Colour

Dyes In Voilet

Purple Sweet Potato Red Color 

Sweet Potato Red Color ( E163)

  • These violet Sweet potatoes are purifying from the rhizome of sweet potato. This pigment shows a reversible change in the molecule's structure as a pH change from acidic to basic.


  • These pigments are easy water-soluble pigment
  • Stabilize best light and heat under the PH2
  • Promotes the health of the Gut
  • Suitable for curing asthma symptoms


  • Energy drinks
  • Juices
  • Yogurt
  • On salad dressing
  • Flavours
  • Spirit

Purple Corn red colour

Purple Corn red colour

  • It requires a broad range to function of the manufacturing
  • pH must be 2-6


Like Sweet corn


  • Soft drinks
  • Baked snacks
  • Cereals protein

Grape Skin Red Colour

Grape Skin Red Color

  • They are types of polyphenol that we get through grapes skin which have anthocyanins.


  • water-soluble
  • Contains anthocyanins
  • Strong Absorb Light b/w 460-550nm


  • Beverages and water ice
  • Fruit Preps
  • Jams & Jellies
  • Works with other products that have low PH
  • At High Ph levels, hue shifts to bluish violet & blue
  • On Below 3.5 PH level red is viloetre

Cabbage red colour

Cabbage red colour

  • Its water-soluble pigment which is an anthocyanin that changes its colour when it is mix with the acid or base
  • Dye turn red when pH is <7
  • It turns bluish-green when pH is >7


  • Reduces Heart disease
  • It helps promote healthy bones
  • Best for the digestive system


  • Energy drinks, flavours
  • Soy drinks
  • Spirits and Juice drinks
  • Fruit preparations & breakfast cereal
  • Dry mixes

Beetroot red colour 

 Beetroot red colour (E162) CAS: 7659-95-2

  • Betanin is glycosidic food colour that we get from the beets by breaking down a molecule of the glucose
  • It food colour additive


  • Best for hypertension & heart health
  • Improves oxygen levels in the brain
  • Decrease glucose level, which is good for diabetes
  • Bright red colourant


  • It is in the liquid & powder form, which we can use various products to colour
  • Use in frozen & low moisture products like yogurt, flavour milk dry desserts

Purple carrot colour

  Purple Carrot red colour ( E330)

  • This pigment found in watermelon & tomatoes and having powerful antioxidants properties


  • Improves Heart health
  • Reduce inflammation


It tastes like subtle peppery 

Red pigment

Red capsicum colour

Red capsicum colour


  • Dark red


  • Capsanthin, capsorubin and cryptocapsin


  • It is use in instant noodles, meat salad etc

Perilla red colour

 Perilla red colour

  • Its like natural pigment, comes from fresh leaves of perilla
  • 2-6 pH can influence its stability & influence


  • Deep red liquid
  • On pH level 7.0 colour is blue
  • pH >7.0 colour us like unstable green


  • shisonina
  • Antixiodant


  • Colouring the wine, acid & juice drinks
  • Jam & Candy

Radish Red colour

Radish red colour (Color Value: E10~90)

  • It’s a natural pigment extracted from a red core that is concentrate, washed, digested, chopped. Its good for controlling blood pressure


  • Anthocyanin


  • Detoxify liver
  • Improves blood flow
  • It helps against diseases


  • Beverages
  • Ice creams, fruit milk
  • Pastry & candy
  • Cosmetics

Rosmarinic Acid

 Rosmarinic Acid  (CN105315706B)

  • It is also a water-soluble pigment & that we can mix with anthocyanin pigments.


  • Beverages, cosmetics & pharmaceutical
  • To stabilize anthocyanin pigments
  • Juices & wines

Monascus  red colour

Monascus red colour

It’s a natural pigment that used for blood production & cholesterol-lowering 


  • Best for diabetes
  • Cholesterol
  • Heart diseases
  • Prevent Cancer


  • Pharmaceuticals

Sorghum red colour

Sorghum red colour

  • It’s gluten-free best for people who suffer from gluten intolerance. It's used in livestock & and to grow enthanol plants


  • Red


  • Beverages
  • Syrups
  • Animal fodder

Yellow Category

Gardenia yellow

Gardenia yellow ( specs ‘’ 1%, 1cm­) =60-500

  • This pigment has strong alkali & acid-resistant. Its water-soluble & its pH is 3-10. Its revivification and resistance of microbe are excellent 


Yellowish hue


  • Flour product
  • Cakes, Jam, jelly, candies, chestnut
  • Chocolate, yellow rice, cotton cloth
  • Chinese Herb etc.

Carthamus yellow colour

Carthamus yellow colour (E 100/21 CAS78281-02-4)

  • It attains from the extraction of the corolla ( petals). It is water-soluble. It consists of sugar & salt & protein.


  • Yellow


  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Lower the high blood pressure
  • Prevents Stroke



  • It’s turmeric which we make by grinding the rhizomes


  • Demethoxycurcumin & bidemethoxycurcumin


  • Flavours, Salad dressing
  • Sauces, Soups
  • Cereal, Fats oil, etc.

Carthamus red colour

Carthamus red colour (36338-96-2)

  • It is a natural pigment from safflower. In the past, called by the name of Cathamine. Soluble in water, ethanol & ether


  • tinctorius L


  • Ice cream
  • Dairy products
  • Sugarcoating
  • Noodles & Japanese sweet
  • Tableted products, etc.

Green Category

Gardenia Blue

  • It’s a water-soluble pigment that uses in food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Good in heat, light resistance and its colour is stable.


  • Colouring popsicle
  • Ice cream, fruit wine
  • Cocoa product, coating for tablets etc

Spirulina blue

  • It’s a natural pigment rich in vitamins which helps to protect cells from damage
  • Component is Phycocyanin


  • Blue powder


  • Smoothie
  • Baked items
  • Noodles, etc.

Phycocyanin makes your yogurt perfect

Phycocyanin makes your yogurt perfect

Phycocyanin in yogurt

Yogurt, which contains phycocyanin, has multiple health benefits. Phycocyanin is a pigment protein having a light blue colour is a natural food colourant that may have a proscriptive effect on yogurt cultures because of having anti-bacterial properties. Everyone likes to have yogurt, but it looks like a pure sky blue colour when mixed with the protein pigment.

Not only about the colour, but It is very beneficial when combined with yogurt as it decreases dehydration, shrinkage & increases colour stability, hardness & bacterium free growth.

It also contains eight types of amino acids that are essential for the human body, which helps to boost metabolism & helps to stop the growth of cancer cells.

The use of the protein pigment complex is effortless; all you need to do is mix it with the bowl of yogurt. This protein pigment is also use in juices, smoothies, oatmeal & energy bars. Use in any form you like.

Mixing with yogurtPhycocyanin with yogurt

When you mix this natural food colourant with yogurt, it has higher protein, fat & dietary fibre. According to research, this food colourant has antioxidant, anti-inflammation, pain relief & protecting brain properties. . It does detoxificiation boost the immune system and also improves the sinus. Phycocyanin has a fishy smell, and some people dislikes it for that, but when you mix it with yogurt or smoothie, the scents fade away. It is widely used, and it can dissolve in water 100% without any particles in the water as this pigment protein is a high-quality plant protein that the body can easily absorb.

However, the natural pigment-protein issue is poor stability when it comes to beverage pigment temperature should be considered dominant in cold drinks.

Avoid direct intense light exposure like the sun; otherwise, the colour will become lighter with time. This superfood is one of the most nutrient-rich food. It is available in powder form. But you also can buy in tablet form. It is your choice what you would try, but both pigments are effective.

Contamination Risk

 You have to keep in mind that this food pigment is algae, so the risk of contamination does exist, but you can refrain from contamination by buying this high-quality pigment from authentic & reputable companies to avoid contamination problems.

Buy this pigment from un authentic store may result in various pigment issues & its bad effects so its better to buy from the best food store.

Buying Protein Pigment Complex

Phycocyanin Can be easily purchased from most health food stores & Market, but before buying this, make sure that its organic, which have no additives & is well-sourced.

Making this amazing drink is very simple all you need is yogurt and a blender. You can also put various food according to your need. Put the powder in the yogurt

and mix it well. leave it for 2 minutes ,and you are ready to drink it.

Contamination does also exist, so buy it from the best store you can buy to avoid any kind of problem.

For More Information Visit click here

Synthetic Food Colors vs Natural Food Colors

Synthetic Food Colors vs Natural Food Colors

Did you know that natural food colors were discovered and used eons ago? On the other hand, synthetic food colors were discovered during the industrial evolution period (well known by history enthusiasts per say.)

For several years, synthetic food colors were preferred because of several reasons. Users preferred synthetic food colors because:

  • They were easy to use (most synthetic food colors have leaflets that instruct users on how to use them.)
  • According to Prepared Foods, synthetic food colors deliver bright hues in a variety of foods and baked products
  • They do not require preparation by users since they can readily be acquired at your nearest grocery store or food market.

Some people prefer Synthetic to Natural food colors because

Natural food colors are often expensive in terms of cost-per-use, compared to synthetic colors.

For example, in order for you to obtain at least 500ml of natural food color from beets, you would need to purchase and prepare up to 15 beets.

Fun fact: 1 beet yields up to two and a half table spoons (40ml) of beet juice.

This other factor is often experienced by chefs particularly those that prepare baked goods. It is difficult to obtain a particular shade from natural food colors.

For example, until recently, food color enthusiasts didn’t have a way of obtaining specific shades of blue. They often used synthetic food colors.

However, after the discovery of gardenia blue colorant, it became quite possible to obtain different shades of blue. Their application became widely used in beverages, jams and confectioneries too.

One of the most overlooked reasons is stability and shelf life. Here’s an example, beet red color delivers one of the most appealing red hues and very much pH stable. However, when applied to water-based foods and subjected to too much heat, it rapidly degrades and color degradation may be observed.

Also, natural food colors may “go bad” especially when preserved wrongly. This should also be a serious concern for natural food color enthusiasts.

Natural Food colors are quite as important and cannot be underestimated

Food colors can be deemed natural if they are generally vegetal, microbiological, animal or mineral extracted. This basically means that they are strongly packed with minerals, and vitamins essential for human health.

A 2009 study by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) prompted the reduction of ADI (acceptable daily intake) of synthetic food colors due to their long-term effects after consumption. This later triggered the hunt for natural alternatives that proved to be essential natural-nutrient-supplements.

Consequently, in 2013, an industry report showed that “natural color sales overtook artificial color sales for the first time ever.”

This paradigm shift was because of the tremendous benefits of natural food colors to human health. These natural food color health benefits include:

  • Increase in athletic performance
  • Improved body weight
  • Some natural food colors such as beet red E162 are the first line of defense against anemia
  • Some natural food colors help prevent cancer metastasis
  • Help lower blood pressure
  • A few natural colors also help regress dementia among the elderly.

In conclusion

Use and application of either natural or synthetic food colors entirely depends on preference and efficacy. However, despite what colorant you might opt to use, it is important to put into consideration the factors that we have mentioned above.

What food colors do you use? Natural or synthetic food colors? Please share in the comments below and I’ll be sure to reply to each and every one of them; I might feature some of the most enthusiastic in my next article too. Happy coloring!

5 Top Benefits of Beetroot Juice: Natural Coloring Option

5 Top Benefits of Beetroot Juice: Natural Coloring Option

Just like all other fruit and vegetable juices, beetroot juice offers tremendous health benefits. It contains minerals, antioxidants, essential vitamins and compounds called betalains that help boost the immune system.

Ever seen those red-colored candies, ice creams, salad dressings, gelatin deserts, cake mixes or yoghurt?  The red hue is often obtained from added beet juice. This makes beets quite an important ingredient in the culinary arts if you want to obtain that specific magenta or beet red color.

Beetroot Juice May Benefit Your Health in Several Ways

Maintains A Healthy Body Weight and Improves Athletic Performance

Adding beets to your morning smoothie can go a long way in maintaining a healthy weight. This is because beet juice has virtually zero fats and is very low in calories. As we mentioned earlier, beets contain compounds (nitrates and betalains) that may increase athletic performance.

According to a PMC review on the effects of beet juice supplementation, nitrates contained in beets help by increasing blood flow and oxygen to muscles, therefore boosting a person’s athletic performance.

Helps Prevent Kidney and Liver Problems

Most kidney and liver problems arise as a result of having too many toxins in the body that need to be eliminated. Beetroot juice contains Vitamins A, B-6, iron and antioxidants that play a big role in preventing liver inflammation and enhancing the organs’ ability to remove toxins from the body.

First Line of Defense Against Anemia

Anemia is one of the most common blood disorders. It occurs when the number of Red Blood Cells (RBC) circulating the body significantly decreases. Sometimes anemia is caused by other underlying health issues but here are a few main symptoms to watch out for:

  • Fatigue (this is the most common symptom)
  • Fast or irregular heartbeat
  • Light headedness
  • Headaches
  • Shortness of breath at times

RBCs contain 70 percent of the body’s iron reserve. This means that RBCs require constant supply of this nutrient factor. Beetroot juice is rich in iron and can be an excellent supplement!

Beetroot Juice Lowers Blood Pressure

A 2014 study found that nitrates, a compound found in beets, readily converts to nitric oxide in the body and plays a huge role in widening and relaxation of blood vessels. This greatly helps prevent hypertension.

Researchers recommended at least 300 ml or about 9 ounces of beet juice every morning because this goes a long way in reducing both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Beetroot Juice May Help Regress Dementia

According to a recent research by PMC, beets contain nitrates that help increase blood flow in the body. Researchers administered high-nitrate diet that included beetroot juice to participants between ages 70 to 85 and periodically recorded their brain MRIs.

The research proved that increased blood flow to the brain’s frontal lobes improved cognitive thinking and behavior. However, more research is needed, but a high nitrate diet can help regress dementia. Try beets!

In Conclusion

The health benefits of beetroot juice cannot be understated. It offers several other significant benefits such as lowering cholesterol levels, a good source of folate, and also helps minimize cancer metastasis. Consider adding beetroot juice to your daily diet today!

Beet E162: How to Make Natural Beet Juice At Home

Beet E162: How to Make Natural Beet Juice At Home

When you search “beet red color” or beet E162 on your favorite search engine, you get to see multiple advantages and disadvantages of using this food additive. For a fact, there are synthetic dyes that try to mimic this natural food color.

Red 40 for example, is entirely artificial and delivers the desired red hue quite the same as E162 beet red. However, Red 40 mainly consists of chemicals and has zero nutritional value to human health. This makes E162 one of the most nutritive food colors and best preferred natural food coloring ingredient.

If You’re a DIY Kinda Person, Here’s How to Make Beet E162

In case you’re wondering how to make this vibrant natural food color, there are multiple ways you can obtain this red pigment.

Blend beets to obtain raw beet E162

Chop a few beets and blend them using a juicer or a blender. Beet juice extracted from a blender is always viscous, therefore it is important to remember that more water helps with consistency.

Also, you might want to consider the number of beets used to make this juice because too many beets make the flavor more prevalent and it might upset your pallet. You might also consider making beet syrup if you’re looking for a sweeter option.

Make beet puree

Pureeing is the art of crushing vegetables or fruits into a thick smooth sauce that can be added in baked products or other culinary purposes. You can also make beet E162 by boiling, crushing, and sieving them to obtain a smooth extract better than juice.

One of the main advantages of using beet puree instead of beet juice is that, beet puree offers slightly more calories, minerals and essential vitamins compared to beet juice. Also, this specific puree provides antioxidants that effectively boost the immune system and prevents excess cell damage in the body.

To make beet E162 puree, boil the desired beets (with skin) until tender. When ready, remove beets from pan and remove the skins. Since the skins are edible, you might consider adding them to salads because of their tremendous cardiovascular health benefits.

Blend the peeled beets and add water or milk until you obtain the desired consistency. If the beet puree has lumps or big vegetable chunks, strain or sieve them for a more consistent food dye.

Boil beets in water

Boiled beets also release color. When you buy beets from your local grocery store, just make sure to thoroughly wash them and remove all dirt. Dice or cut the beet in chunks and boil them in a covered pot.

Let the beets simmer until tender or until there’s just a few spoon-full of water left. This water is your beet juice and can be used as food color. However, remember that beet water is more dilute and waterier than beet puree and raw beet juice.

You can use the boiled beets to make squash or fruit punches, best served chilled!

Always Remember That

Consuming too much beet 162 can make urine or poo have a red, pink or magenta pigment. However, this shouldn’t shock you because according to Harvard Health Online, beeturia () doesn’t indicate serious health problems.

Do you have other methods you use to obtain beet red food color? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll be sure to feature your comments in my next article!

Beet Red: It Can Change Your Urine Color

Beet Red: It Can Change Your Urine Color

Beets are always the solution to attaining a beet red or magenta hue especially when making those sweet little velvet cupcakes. And one of the main reasons why most bakers (and chefs alike) use beet red food color is because beets are natural, healthy, and beneficial to use.

If you are a member of the DIY bandwagon and would love to try making beet red food color at home, the process is very easy. Boil beets in a saucepan over medium heat until you notice color-changes in the boiling water.

Cover and let it simmer under low heat until only a couple of tablespoons of water remain. There you have it! Reserve this juice because it is your food color.

Sometimes using powdered beet red food color especially in baked products is really important because it attains just the right and desired shade, not too much and not too little. Each package has directions for use indicating the exact amount you should add depending on what you intend to prepare. You can easily buy beet red food color (in powder form) at your local grocery store.

But Why Does Beet Red Turn Urine Color

According to CBC, approximately 10 to 14 percent of people are affected by beet red. Beets contain a compound, betanin, that gives the vegetable a red hue. Well unfortunately, not everyone can fully digest betanin.

In this case, betanin is flushed out of the system, therefore turning urine, or poop red. However, you shouldn’t feel alarmed when you observe this change in color.

It is not entirely clear what happens to betanin in the body, because only limited research has been done about it. According to Medical News Today, the beet red color is normally broken down in the stomach and colon and this process causes an increase in oxalic acid levels.

When oxalic acid levels are too high red poop is usually observed in people who do not experience beeturia.

Another research from the University of Urbino indicates that betanin plays a great role in “slowing down” colon-cancer metastasis. They also mention that “when oxalic acid is too much in the system, it greatly increases the chances of kidney stones”.

The Globe and Mail also notes that you can use this beet red color phenomenon to know how long your digestive system takes to get rid of wastes from your body. But you also might notice a crimson blue or light pink color from wastes produced, not always red.

Beet Color is Mostly Harmless

Don’t be shocked when you notice changes in color after having a nice plate of salad with beet leaves. According to research done by Harvard Health Online, beeturia doesn’t indicate serious health problems. Eating berries too can change the color of urine.

Fruits such as rhubarb can also turn urine pink or red. Rhubarb can also turn turn urine or poop to a specific tint of dark brown. But obviously this color change varies from one person to another.

Interestingly, eating foods rich in vitamin C can also, although rarely, turn urine orange. Some research also indicate that too much Vitamin B turns urine orange-green.

E153: Black Bread and Juice You Haven’t Tried Yet

E153: Black Bread and Juice You Haven’t Tried Yet

There has been quite a lot of fuss going around about E153. Several blogs online contain information that E153, commonly known as carbon black, is harmful to one’s health.

The only reason given is that “it contains toxins”. This article will help alleviate fears and misconceptions about carbon black and state a few DIY delicacies that you really have to try.

If you’d run a simple search like carbon black ice cream on your favorite search engine, you’ll notice images and a lot of web content about black hued foods.

These foods and deserts often contain E153 as the main ingredient. This additive is what gives food a black pigment.

Is E153 (Carbon black) healthy?

When vegetables are severely burnt, it is possible to obtain E153, or rather, carbon black. Also, carbon black is obtained from charcoal. This essentially means that carbon black is naturally vegan and can be consumed without worrying about health implications.

A study done by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) mentions that foods containing up to 1.0 µg/kg of E153 are not of safety concern.

This proves that not only is E153 carbon black a safe additive, it also has tremendous health benefits.

Carbon black is greatly becoming a key ingredient

Fox News’ Molly Dodd shares her experience taking carbon juice during her detox program. In preparation, she cut out alcohol, stuck to her regular diet and exercise routine.

She later mentions that she lost a total of 1.5 lbs., her skin got softer, breakouts cleared up, and noticed a significant increase in energy levels.

Terrasoul Superfoods, is one of the several companies that sell charcoal lemonades online. Terrasoul mentions that the carbon elixir helps in “cleansing and assisting the healing process of the body, helping hangovers, helping with intestinal issues like food poisoning and gases, and also makes you feel sharp and focused”

Black bread accompanied by a nice glass of carbon juice can be quite a treat. In countries such as Russia, borodinksy is a common bread made from dark rye flour, molasses and a tiny addition of cocoa powder.

This black bread is known to have high fiber content therefore minimizing the risk of heart diseases, several types of cancer and type two diabetes.

NHS Eatwell Guide mentions that this type of bread contains essential minerals and nutrients such as calcium, potassium and Vitamin E.

It is important to remember

Despite the fact that dark hued foods might be aesthetically pleasing, it is important to remember that too much carbon-black in food can be dangerous.

Your bowel might have a hard time absorbing nutrient from ingested foods or block medications from working. This is due to carbon’s strong binding properties.

Always remember to consult a medical professional if you decide to incorporate carbon-black in your health regimen.

Black Carbon Color: Is it a safe additive?

Black Carbon Color: Is it a safe additive?

Vegetable carbon is black. It is certainly becoming the new hot flavor from cocktails to mash and meat. Black carbon color is emerging in food pop-ups and restaurants as well. It contains an earthly, slightly smoky taste and a dark coloring.

Black carbon color gives a premium feel to foods and a real talking point, according to Jonathan Moore, an executive chef in Waitrose. Carbon food color can be bought online, or at any food store as well.

However, remember not to eat too much carbon because even though it removes toxins, it also removes a few nutrients.

Benefits of Using Black Carbon Color

Most commercial black carbon additives are made from bamboo. Black carbon often have an earthy, smoky taste, and a black coloring, so it offers an exotic fashionable appearance to food.

Black carbon color contains tremendous health benefits, therefore it is recommended for persons with vertigo and anthrax conditions.

Due to the ability to absorb toxins, vegetable carbon works best as a detoxifier by absorbing chemicals, binding toxins, and essential nutrients like vitamins. This is also because of its negative charge that has the capability of binding positively charged ions from chemical elements.

Vegetable carbon also adds flavor, texture, color, and a touch of playfulness to plates, drinks and food.

Vegetable carbon does not taste. However, it has a pleasant granular texture, which gives a feeling of chewing while gulping it down.

What Experts Say

According to the European Commission and the FDA, “vegetable carbon helps reduce excessive postprandial flatulence”. The relieving benefits of vegetable carbon are however recommended by multiple practitioners.

Food-grade vegetable carbon is modified, which provides a surface area maximized to make it more porous. However, it is recommended to consume 1gram dosages at least half an hour before meals or shortly after every meal.

Also, carbon black can be produced by incomplete combustion of petroleum products such as coal tar, ethylene cracking tar and catalytic cracking tar.

The carbon powder obtained from this process is then used to make cosmetic products such as makeups, eyeliners and mascaras.

However, this specific carbon black is not approved for consumption.

In Conclusion

Multiple regulatory bodies, nonetheless, have approved the use of vegetable carbon as an additive in our diet. These regulatory approvals include JECFA (No ADI allocated, 31st meeting 1987), and EU (No ADI allocated, EFSA 2012) where “specific food categories including vegetable carbon is authorized for use at quantum satis and have been defined in Directive 94/36/EC on colours for use in foodstuff.

Natural Food Color: Safest Way to Color Your Food

Natural Food Color: Safest Way to Color Your Food

Natural food color is quite dominant in plants, minerals, vegetables, fruits, and other edible natural products.

Natural food color is free from compounds such as glycerin, and costlier. These compounds are commonly found in synthetic colors and their toxins are harmful to human health.

Food colors are sold in smaller quantities in small dropper bottles. The colors can also be obtained in bulk also. Natural organic colorants are useful to individuals with allergic reactions to artificial and synthetic food coloring.

The colorants are safe, easy to make, and work as organic colorants with little to no effects on your health. Moreover, adding color to food is ideal as it makes food products look more attractive and appealing to taste.

Natural food colors are essential in preserving food color, in order to manipulate consumers' sensory perception.

Benefits of using natural food colors

Organic colorants come with incredible amounts of nutrients beneficial to your health.

Spirulina, for example, is used as a natural blue food color that contains multiple essential minerals. Calcium, Iron, B vitamins, and Magnesium are some of these minerals that help keep the endocrine system in check.

The blue food coloring, obtained from spirulina, is also a high source of protein. The food dye also contains anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce inflammation, and sometimes pain.

According to King Arthur Flour's renowned baker and a big proponent of natural food coloring, Susan Reid, naturally occurring foods and spices have tons of nutritive value.

A number of fruits and spices used to make food colors have tremendous health benefits.

  • Wheat grass has amino acids, vitamins and iron
  • Calcium, vitamins and folate can easily be obtained from spinach.
  • Berries contain phytochemicals, vitamins and folic acid as well.
  • There are tons of health benefits surrounding turmeric. The spice has anti-inflammatory properties, and slows cancer metastasis. Moreover, turmeric helps with a range of dermatological diseases.

Nailing the right shade in your food

Common spices, fruits, and vegetables can be used to extract natural food colors. This makes is quite easy to obtain ingredients required.

To get a natural red or pink color, you can use beet powder or freeze-dried berries. Pomegranate juice also works just as well.

For a yellow pigment, you can use ground turmeric. You can use blueberry juice or powder to acquire a blue shade as well.

For a green pigment, you can use spirulina, spinach powder, or chlorella.

Carrot juice or powder will help you obtain an orange pigment. Also, you can use paprika, saffron, fruit juices, and carmine to obtain the desired hue.


It is important to note that despite the numerous benefits of natural food colors, just be careful not to use too much.

Food colorants also provide pigments, flavoring, essential vitamins, and organic acids as well. Thus, the next time you want to add a bit more color to your dish, natural food colorants are the way to go.

How to Make Vegetable Black Ice Cream?

How to Make Vegetable Black Ice Cream?

You may have seen pictures of vegetable black ice cream online and wondered how they are made – and what makes them seemingly dark in color. Carbon-labelled foods and ice creams have been around for some time now.

Famous black ice cream shops like Morgenstern’s have been trending on social media for their prowess in making unique, relatively rare, dark tinted ice creams.

We will guide you through the process of making DIY vegan carbon ice cream and also help you understand the benefits of consuming activated charcoal.

Making Vegetable Black Ice Cream

The process of making a vegetable carbon ice-cream is quite simple and should only take 30 minutes of your time.

To make this desert, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups of cream
  • 1/2 cup of coconut ash (activated charcoal)
  • 2 tablespoons of zest (preferably lemon)
  • 850ml of coconut condensed milk
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract (or any other flavor of your choice)

Once you have your ingredients ready, follow these 4 easy steps:

  1. Add both activated charcoal (1/4 cup) and cream to a glass or metallic bowl. Beat until foamy and set the mixture aside
  2. Using a separate bowl, mix both lemon juice and condensed milk. Add the desired amount of lemon zest. To increase the “lemon flavor”, add more zest.
  3. Add vanilla extract and the remaining coconut ash (1/4 cup) into the mixture in step 2. Mix well.
  4. In equal proportions, add both mixtures into a loaf pan and freeze overnight.

There you have it! Best vegetable black ice cream there is.

Why consider having vegetable carbon ice-cream in your diet?

Before being incorporated into our foods, activated charcoal was added to juices and lemonades by detox enthusiasts.

According to a research by Elisa Goodman, whose developed detox plans for celebrities including Kate Hudson, says carbon based foods bind and trap toxins before being absorbed into the body.

Besides, if you want to make water safe for drinking, add activated charcoal in filtration systems to help remove toxic mold spores.

Moreover, coconut ash has been touted to have anti-ageing properties and is one of the main ingredients in weight loss supplements.

Activated charcoal is used to reduce gastrointestinal problems and draw venom from wounds due to its strong carbon-binding properties.

In Conclusion

Despite the numerous benefits of activated charcoal, it is important to note that excessive consumption could lead to undesirable health effects.

Always remember to add coconut ash (activated charcoal) in controlled amounts especially since it affects absorption of some medication.

However, since the amount that goes into each ice-cream serving isn’t great enough, it is safe trying out the all famous vegan carbon ice-cream.

At Santacolor, we provide one of the best vegetable carbon black on the market that assures you of a rich, intense black color that easily mixes with any processed or self-made foods.

Contact us for a quote!

What Different Countries FDA Say about Monascus Red?

What Different Countries FDA Say about Monascus Red?

Monascus Red color refers t the Red yeast rice. These are the pigments. The best way to obtain is a fungus. It refers to Red koji rice. Some common names are Red Yeast Rice Pigment, A Red koji Rice, Monascorubrin, Rice Kernel Discoloration, Maize Silage Mould, and corn Silage Mould.

 Monascus red color has a long history for its use in China as a big source of natural color. The color is the best usage in food in china for many centuries. It was an important ingredient in beverages. It was a flavored component. Monascus red color has vital importance to use in Chinese medicine. It had a long history in Chinese herbology. It is perfect for usage in curing the stomach. China is the world's largest country in its production. The use of it is increasing day-by-day with its increasing demand in China. It uses by the people in China. The Chinese people demand it more and more.

U.S. FDA P over Position over Monascus Red

The U.S. FDA position is that red yeast rice items that contain monacolin K are indistinguishable to a medicine medicate and, in this way, subject to control as a medicate. In 1998, the FDA started an activity to boycott an item (Cholestin) containing red yeast rice extricate. The U.S. District Court in Utah ruled in favor of permitting the item to be sold without confinement. Monascus red color had its use in the history of the united state. In the USA, it is used in food. European Union used color in food and many other applications.

European Union Stance over Monascus Red

The European Union food and drug administration banned the use of the monascus red color. They said that it contains harmful components. These components affect human health. European Union FDA said that the color contains the monacolin k which were identical to the prescript drug. The European Union food and drug administration banned the use of it. At that time, it considers a harmful agent to health. People should avoid their use.

European Food Safety Authority Board on Monascus Red

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Board on Food Additives added to food. It concluded, red yeast rice arrangements contained monacolins. The Board was incapable to recognize any addition that it seems to consider as secure. The reason given was case ponder reports of extreme antagonistic responses to items containing monacolins at a very low amount of  3 mg/day. Red yeast rice suggests amid pregnancy or breast-feeding.

Indian Stance & Trends on Monascus Red

The food and drug administration of India has been alarming the people to not use it. They said that little quantity of color has not a bad effect on the body. The increasing amount increases the risk of the diseases. Monascus red has a long history of use in India. These widely used in Maharashtra. Hindus used the color for different purposes.

It uses in Asian countries for many centuries as a natural source of colors. It uses in beverages in Asian countries.

A Historical American Development on Monascus Red

In 1998 food and drug administration take a step to ban it. FDA banned the products that contain the monascus red pigment. They ran the campaign to avoid the use of the monascus red color. The U.S district court favors its use without any restriction. They said that it is not harmful. These colors can use by humans. These colors have vital importance in our long history. In 2001 in the U.S Court of Appeals it became a reserved appeal. In 2007 the FDA sent warnings to the two companies that were selling the products containing the color. The products withdrew at that time. In 2012, there was a survey. The survey carried out on the different ratios of the color in different compounds.

In 2017, the survey carried out on the amount of the color. They carried out that these products contain none to the prescription amount of the color. Monascus red color amount varies in different products.

Monascus red was long ago used in different applications. It is safe to use. Its safety depends upon its quantity. It is used in beverages and food to add flavor to them.

Are natural food colors organic as well as Natural?

Are natural food colors organic as well as Natural?

The origin of natural food colors is highly organic as well as natural. They are purely made from natural products by making some extraction procedures.  Their principal role is that they impart the desired color to the food when added the desired natural food color. They are purely and completely made from edible natural resources.

Extraction of Natural Food Colours

Natural food colors are made from natural edible food resources by doing some physical or chemical extraction. To get a desired natural food color, one should select a desired color natural edible food resource.  Pastes, liquid, gels are all forms of natural food colors.  Domestic cooking and commercial level food production both are using natural food colors. Natural food colors are the demanding product of today just because of their natural extraction.  These are also demanding due to less impact on humans health. They are not harmful to human health. These are preferred artificial products.

Most Significant Natural Food Colors

Color is one of the main facets that the manufacturers have to keep in mind while developing them. Many of the food colors are degraded with time.  They may be degraded when they are heated. These colors must remain as it is thought their shelf life.

Some important natural food colors


It is mostly used in soft drinks and baked products. It is a light stable product. It is a temperature stable product. But its stability in the different products is depending upon the quantity of the caramels used. It provides color to baked products.


It is commonly known as vitamin B-12. It is used in dairy products. It provides color and flavor to them.  It is water-soluble.

Carbon black

It is most commonly used in sugar confectionery. It is also light and temperature insoluble.

Some other Important Food Colours


It is the pigment that is obtained from the turmeric. It's color become fade in the light. But it has good stability in the heat.  It is a good spice. It gives a yellow color to the food when it is added to them.  It is most commonly used in pickles and confectionery. It is the most widely used yellow pigment.


These are the most commonly used pigment.  They are often used to provide the red, orange, yellow color to the food. There are over 400 carotenoids pigments are discovered in the plants and vegetables. These are all used in domestic cooking to provide color to the food. The production of the carotenoids pigments is about 1000 million tons per year.  There is no effect of the pH on them. They are all heat soluble.  They are in the oil form. They are used in soft drinks. They are used in dairy products.


These are the green pigments obtained from the plants. They impart the green color to the food to which they are added. 

Ceramic acid

It is a water-soluble pigment.


It is water-soluble and has little stability to heat and light.


It is a water-soluble pigment. It provides the red, purple, and blue color to the food.  

Grab the Right Sources to Buy Natural Food Coloring

Grab the Right Sources to Buy Natural Food Coloring

Colors offer an eye-catching appearance to the desired products. These can include cosmetics, textiles, food, and pharmaceutical products. Many years ago only synthetically synthesize colors were available. These colors were used as food coloring in many industries and bakeries. With time, people thought about where to buy natural food coloring agents. As these synthetical dyes were becoming a source of allergies in many of the peoples. It owes the harmful aspects of these commercially available dyes. The trend moves toward prepare or buy natural food colorings.

Sources of natural food colors

Natural food colors can obtain from a diverse number of resources like plants, insects, and, microorganisms. Color food utilizess by using plant extracts and plant extracted dyes. For example, yellow food color can obtain from marigold beetroots or berries, orange food dye from annatto, red food color from tomato, and green colored dyes from leafy vegetables. A diverse number of numerous species of algae, molds and, bacteria can also utilize for natural food coloring agents. Pigment yielding microbes and microalgae are comparatively common in nature. They are more significant for food colors as having high productivity in a span of a very short life cycle.

Why we should buy natural food coloring

As synthetic food colors prepare by the use of chemicals. They were causing many of the health issues in humans. The use of food coloring dye shifts towards natural colors. Natural pigments extensively use on a larger scale. As natural dyes are non-carcinogenic, non-toxic, and are less health hazardous. The use of natural pigments provides many pharmacological and many other healthiness advantages. Natural ones are much reliable than synthetic ones.  They have excellent stability as compared to synthetic food colors. And the more important one is that natural food colorings have a taste that commercial one doesn't possess. All of these advantages additionally boosted their use in the market.

Which form is best to buy natural food coloring?

Natural food coloring can buy in two forms I.e., Concentrated liquids, and powders. Powders are easy to use as natural food colorings. Powders can dissolve easily and lead to give a more intense color. The powder's natural food colorings can use directly to a frosting. Depending on your choice you can also dissolve these powdered food colors in a small amount of liquid like milk and water before use. The concentrated liquid can buy in the form of juices and liquid puree. The liquid puree contained some of the concentered material. The puree can convert into a fine liquid by grinding by your own choice.

Common ways to buy natural food coloring

With the extensive demand for natural food colorings, many medical companies and pharmaceutical agencies are now preparing the natural food colorants. These are available in the market as well as in online stores. Anyone can buy these natural food coloring simply by locating the nearby shop of natural products or by contacting the pharmacological companies as well.

Is natural food coloring good for you?

Is natural food coloring good for you?

Natural food coloring is made from natural ingredients. We can make them by physical and chemical extractions that results in the extraction of a particular pigment. Natural Food colors are mostly used in domestic cooking. They come in many forms such as solid, liquid, galley, and paste. Natural food coloring is used to provide a characteristic color to the food. These are not the characteristic ingredient of food, they just provide color to them. “Coloring food” is something that is used by the food industry to provide color to the food. They are environmentally friendly. Save to use.

To make colors

In order to make the red color, you can use the beat or strawberries. Dry them and crush them to powder. Add them to your food to make a color in your food. To make yellow color just add the turmeric to your food. To make an orange color you can use carrot juice. For green color, spinach is the best to use. For blue color red cabbage can be used and for brown color, coffee can be used.

Harmless to use

As the natural colors are obtained from natural sources, they are harmless. There is no chemical used in their making. So, these are saved to use. Natural colors are appealing to consumers as they are not harmful to the environment. Natural food colors are harmless as many of them are used in beauty products. Carmine is used in lipstick and it is not harmful. To obtain the soothing shade natural dyes are the best to use.

The harmful effect of natural food colors

These can be harmful to some extent. Natural food dye hematein and hematoxylin are obtained from the logwood. These create a harmful effect when they are inhaled, ingested, or absorbed by the skin. Another natural dye source “bloodroot ”is also harmful. When it is inhaled it may cause irritation and inflammations on the skin. Moreover, when we use the mordant to fix the dye on the fabrics they may cause a toxic effect. Many mordants such as iron, copper, and aluminum cause a toxic effect when used as a fixer to fabrics.

One of the popular opinions to use these natural dyes is that they are made from natural sources so they are safe to use and they are eco-friendly. They are not safe neither they are ecologically safe than synthetic dyes.

The disadvantage of using natural dyes

Natural dyes are used in large amounts to dye a piece of fabric. For example, in order to dye one pound of cotton fabric, 5 grams of synthetic dye is used while about 230 grams of natural dye is used. To use natural dye is more expensive. The color of natural dyes fades quickly. The availability of natural dyes is another issue. The raw material to make these dyes vary from season to season as compared to the synthetic dyes. Sustainability is an issue for the production of natural dyes.

What are natural food dyes made from?

What are natural food dyes made from?

The root of natural food dyes is vast. They are made from a wide range of sources such as vegetables, minerals, fruits, and the bark of plants. They provide color when we add them to the food or drink. They vary in their forms such as powder, gel, liquid, and solid. There are used on the commercial level as well as on the domestic level.


These are some simple steps to make natural dyes. First of all, choose the source from which you want to extract the natural dyes. Collect about 1 cup of fruits and vegetables. Chop them in a chopper. Allow the food and vegies to provide more color to completely saturate the dyes. Transfer the chopped material into the saucepan and add the water. Add water twice that of the quantity of the chopped material. As for 1 cup of the chopped material add about 2 cups of water. Boil it. About one hour when the dyes reached the desired color turns off the heat. Allow it to cool at room temperature. Stain it and store it.


Natural dyes are used to provide colors to the clothing. Mordent, a fixative that is used to impart adhering to the dyes to fix on the cloth. Fabrics require one more step to hold the dye in the case of natural dyes. Here are some steps to produce lovely colored fabrics. For fruit dyes, take ¼ cup of salt and approximately 4 cups of water and stew the clothes for 1 hour. For vegetable dyes, take 1 cup of the salt and cups of water to stew the cloth for 1 hour. After one hour wash out the fabric in cold water. Remove the excess water from the fabric. Soak it in the dyes. Place the fabric in the dye container for about 24 hours. Wash it with cooled water. Dry it in the air.


As fixative or mordent is necessary for the dyeing process. Many mordants are highly dangerous. Iron, copper, and tin are used as fixatives, but these are very dangerous ones. We use salt as a natural fixative.



Carotenoids are important pigments of plants, algae, and some bacteria. They provide the yellow, orange, and red color to different parts of the plants, fruits, and vegetables. They have more than 600 types.


It is one of the most important green pigment which found most commonly in cyanobacteria, algae, and plant. Chlorophyll mostly absorbs blue light and to some extent red light.


These are the pigments that provide the purple, red, and blue color to the vegetables and plant. It has antioxidant activity. Variation in the intensity of their color is due to the acidity or alkalinity. It most denatured by heat.


It is one of the most important pigments which provides the yellow and orange color to the food. Its color variations depend upon the acidity and alkalinity. As pH increases its color changes to green slowly.

Best & Easier Ways to Make Natural Food Colors- How they are Made?

Best & Easier Ways to Make Natural Food Colors- How they are Made?

There are many different ways to develop natural food colors and most of them are effective and provide top-quality food colors. The best method to make natural food colors out of all of them are given below:

The sources to make the natural food colors can be found everywhere around us such as raspberries, strawberries, sweet potato, tomato, beets, cocoa, coffee, activated charcoal, and many more. Our first step is to choose the right source to make food coloring. The food colors completely depend on what source we choose. While making the food colors, keep your expectations reasonable because natural colors are not as vibrant as commercialized food colors. So just keep in mind that your red will not be pure red but it will give a nice and unique tint.

Give Preference to Natural Food Colors

The second main thing to consider is the flavor of the food colors. The natural food colors are much better than a commercialized product in the sense that they give natural taste while the artificial taste can be felt from the commercialized product. The flavors are made from the natural ingredients of food, and when added while icing the product, it gives an everlasting taste. This method of adding flavor might not be effective for many ingredients that need cooking such as cocoa, matcha, and coffee but it is useful for food products like squid ink, spinach, and many more and can give a very fresh and natural taste.

Powder and Liquid are the two forms of food colors, and both are used worldwide. The easier way to make natural food colors are through powder. The powder form can provide a more concentrated color as they easily mix up with water. The powder forms of vegetables and dried fruits are easily available in the market, but they can also be made easily by first freezing and then pulverizing the dried food items. Some can directly be added to the frosting because they naturally exist in powder forms like cocoa, spices, tea, and coffee, etc.

Getting Pure and Concentrated Liquid Form

The other method is through a liquid form. Getting a pure and concentrated food color from a liquid is quite a challenging task. The solid particles that are usually left in it. A juicer or a blender can be used to make a liquid form of the food products. The particles can be strained out, which is time-consuming. After finishing, the liquid of the liquid base is reduced to make sure the more concentrated food colors are obtained. The normal recommendation is to reduce the water until ¼ cups are left. This is the pure and natural food color ready to put to freeze.

Keeping an eye on the temperature is a main and crucial part of making food colors. These natural food colorants perform great while shading the frozen products. Many baked goods can also be shaded and flavored with these food colors. But heat can cause the colors of many products to go duller and darker. It is also a recommendation to cool them properly before actually using them for any food recipe.

After providing the proper temperature to them, the natural food colors are successfully made. Now the final step is to add them in frosting or icing. The expert way to add the color is to add it gradually until you achieve the desired color. Just make sure to add more powder color than liquid color. Powder color is more effective in flavor and color.