Monascus Red

What Different Countries FDA Say about Monascus Red?

Monascus Red color refers t the Red yeast rice. These are the pigments. The best way to obtain is a fungus. It refers to Red koji rice. Some common names are Red Yeast Rice Pigment, A Red koji Rice, Monascorubrin, Rice Kernel Discoloration, Maize Silage Mould, and corn Silage Mould.

 Monascus red color has a long history for its use in China as a big source of natural color. The color is the best usage in food in china for many centuries. It was an important ingredient in beverages. It was a flavored component. Monascus red color has vital importance to use in Chinese medicine. It had a long history in Chinese herbology. It is perfect for usage in curing the stomach. China is the world's largest country in its production. The use of it is increasing day-by-day with its increasing demand in China. It uses by the people in China. The Chinese people demand it more and more.

U.S. FDA P over Position over Monascus Red

The U.S. FDA position is that red yeast rice items that contain monacolin K are indistinguishable to a medicine medicate and, in this way, subject to control as a medicate. In 1998, the FDA started an activity to boycott an item (Cholestin) containing red yeast rice extricate. The U.S. District Court in Utah ruled in favor of permitting the item to be sold without confinement. Monascus red color had its use in the history of the united state. In the USA, it is used in food. European Union used color in food and many other applications.

European Union Stance over Monascus Red

The European Union food and drug administration banned the use of the monascus red color. They said that it contains harmful components. These components affect human health. European Union FDA said that the color contains the monacolin k which were identical to the prescript drug. The European Union food and drug administration banned the use of it. At that time, it considers a harmful agent to health. People should avoid their use.

European Food Safety Authority Board on Monascus Red

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Board on Food Additives added to food. It concluded, red yeast rice arrangements contained monacolins. The Board was incapable to recognize any addition that it seems to consider as secure. The reason given was case ponder reports of extreme antagonistic responses to items containing monacolins at a very low amount of  3 mg/day. Red yeast rice suggests amid pregnancy or breast-feeding.

Indian Stance & Trends on Monascus Red

The food and drug administration of India has been alarming the people to not use it. They said that little quantity of color has not a bad effect on the body. The increasing amount increases the risk of the diseases. Monascus red has a long history of use in India. These widely used in Maharashtra. Hindus used the color for different purposes.

It uses in Asian countries for many centuries as a natural source of colors. It uses in beverages in Asian countries.

A Historical American Development on Monascus Red

In 1998 food and drug administration take a step to ban it. FDA banned the products that contain the monascus red pigment. They ran the campaign to avoid the use of the monascus red color. The U.S district court favors its use without any restriction. They said that it is not harmful. These colors can use by humans. These colors have vital importance in our long history. In 2001 in the U.S Court of Appeals it became a reserved appeal. In 2007 the FDA sent warnings to the two companies that were selling the products containing the color. The products withdrew at that time. In 2012, there was a survey. The survey carried out on the different ratios of the color in different compounds.

In 2017, the survey carried out on the amount of the color. They carried out that these products contain none to the prescription amount of the color. Monascus red color amount varies in different products.

Monascus red was long ago used in different applications. It is safe to use. Its safety depends upon its quantity. It is used in beverages and food to add flavor to them.

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