How much phycocyanin content in spirulina

How much phycocyanin content in spirulina

Phycocyanin is a pigment in spirulina. Regarding phycocyanin content in spirulina is an intensely blue protein-pigment complex that belongs to the phycobiliprotein (PBP) family. PBPs construct the phycobilisome (PBS), a peripheral auxiliary light-harvesting complex that is put together on the surface of the thylacoid membrane.

Quantity of Phycocyanobilin

 Firstly, Phycocyanin is one of the ingredients that could be use. Around 15 to 25 percent of the dry weight of Spirulina platensis' biomass is made of Phycocyanobilin.

Secondly, One of the pigments made by spirulina is phycocyanin. Phycocyanobilin can be see in liquid phase as a mixture of various complexes, including monomers, trimers, hexamers, and other oligomers with molecular weights of 44–260 kDa.

There are two protein subunits that make up phytocyanin. Therefore, linear tetrapyrrole prosthetic groups (bilin chromophore) carried by each subunit are isomerically distinct and have distinctive double bond arrangements.

How we extract phycocyanin from Spirulina

Following are the process: 

  • Extract the crude protein from the spirulina by freezing it for three hours
  • To the crude extract, add 80 g/L (w/v) activated carbon.
  • Collect the extract using a vacuum filter with a 0.22 m pore size membrane.
Continued steps: 

The yield of C-PC manufacture is 27%, and the total process cost (excluding manpower) is $26.1/kg. 63 percent of the dry biomass that was remaining after C-PC extraction was use to produce bio-crude oil using HTL.

Phycocyanin coloring agent

Phycocyanobilin is an algae-isolated protein that binds pigment and captures light and In China and Japan, phycobilisomes is a common colouring ingredient in dairy and nutritional items such jellies, gums, candies, beverages, and cosmetics.

Moreover Phycocyanobilin is sensitive to light and heat, yet it is a more pure form of blue than gardenia.

Method of purification

By using high pressure and a hexane extraction procedure, phycobilisomes from Spirulina platensis successfully stabilised purify. Because of how fragile this dye is during typical extraction techniques, this was necessary.

This method's purification yield was estimate at 10.2 percent, which is 3 to 5 percent greater than the figure obtain from another common separation technique that uses phosphate buffer. Based on absorbance of 2.104 at 280 nm and 1.912 at 620 nm, the isolated Phycocyanobilin from this technique also displayed the greatest purity of 0.909.

Units of phycocyanin

Lastly Base on SDS-PAGE analysis, it was discover that two phycobilisomes subunits, namely -phycobilisomes (18.4 kDa) and -phycobilisomes (21.3 kDa), remain from the original mixtures after being extract.

This clearly shows that this process can stably extract phycobilisomes and is not impact by extraction solvent, temperature, etc. By comparing the isolated phycocyanin's DPPH (diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl) scavenging activity, which demonstrated an 83 percent elimination of oxygen free radicals, the stability of the substance was also validate.

Due to its sensitivity to heat treatment and lack of ability to withstand heat without sugars—preferably fructose—uses phycobilisomes's as a colourant are restricted. Additionally, pH settings outside of the 5.0-6.0 range cause its blue hue to fade. Phycocyanins are use in the production of candy, ice cream, and other dairy products.

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Monascus Color is Best Choice for Coloring Meat

Monascus Color is Best Choice for Coloring Meat

Monascus red is a natural dye made from red yeast rice and extracted using ethanol. Due to its excellent colouring ability and good alcohol-solubility in both water and alcohol, monascus red is frequently used in colouring cooked meat products, cakes, fruit or vegetable juice, protein beverages, carbonated beverages, flavouring beverages (including fruit-flavoured beverages, milk-flavoured beverages, tea beverages, etc.), solid beverages, compound wine, pudding, etc.

A safe and natural pigment Monascus Red is frequently employ in the food industry to raise the calibre of the final product, and the results are excellent.

Whats red yeast rice extract

  • A chemical known as RYRE is obtain from rice after it has been fermented with a yeast species known as Monascus purpureus. It has long been utilize as a traditional medicine in China and other Asian nations. Additionally, it is employ as a food ingredient, colourant, and preservative.
  • RYRE naturally includes a number of substances that could lower cholesterol levels. These contain several monacolins, monacolin K being the most significant. Additionally, it contains monounsaturated fatty acids, or "good fats," sterols, and isoflavones.

Best for Health

Red yeast rice, also known as Monascus red, has been consume and use medicinally in China for thousands of years. It is produce by fermenting Monascus purpureus yeast over red rice. Red yeast rice is use in Chinese medicine to decrease cholesterol, enhance blood circulation, and enhance digestion.

For Coloring the meat

Currently employed in the preparation of meat products, monascus pigment is being studied as a potential food ingredient.

The supply is unstable, the production costs are high, and other pigment extraction is constrain by production circumstances and seasons, making it difficult to promote widely. Additionally, because erythromycin is a microbial metabolite and there are few affecting factors, there is a lot of opportunity for effort.

The pigments from Monascus do, however, have issues with safety, sunlight resistance, and water solubility.

When applied to meat products, monascus pigment boosts the added value of the final product. It also works in conjunction with other bacteriostatic agents to improve the effect of red yeast and successfully eradicate its flaws.

The in-depth research on red yeast pigment's ability to successfully replace sodium nitrite and the growing concern about food safety would fiercely encourage the growth of the meat processing sector, produce large economic and social benefits, and improve the food industry.

Whats in the monascus red?

What is present in  red yeast rice are

  • Plant-based compounds called sterols are known to reduce cholesterol.
  • Isoflavones are substances regard as phytoestrogens and antioxidants.
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids are consider "healthy" fats because they can lower cholesterol.

What it's Good For

According to numerous research, red yeast rice lowers high cholesterol. However, the majority of the research have utilise a red yeast rice preparation called Cholestin, which is no longer sold in the United States. Cholestin is still available, however, it is no longer made with red yeast rice. Any red yeast product that contains monacolin must be pull off the market, according to the FDA.

The following research backs up the idea that red yeast rice lowers cholesterol

  • In one UCLA School of Medicine study, 83 persons with elevated cholesterol participated.
  • In comparison to those taking a placebo, individuals consuming red yeast rice for a 12-week period showed decreased levels of triglycerides (blood fats), total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol. The levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol remained stable in both research groups.
  • Red yeast rice reduce LDL cholesterol in a study that was present to the American Heart Association. 187 participants in the study had LDL and total cholesterol values that were mildly to moderately elevate.
  • According to the study, consuming red yeast rice decreased triglycerides by 24 percent, LDL cholesterol by 21 percent, and total cholesterol by more than 16 percent. Additionally, HDL cholesterol increased by 14%.
  • Red yeast rice lower cholesterol levels in another 8-week research of 446 patients with elevate cholesterol when compare to placebo.
  • In the red yeast rice group, triglycerides decreased by 34 percent, LDL decreased by 31 percent, and total cholesterol decreased by 22.7%. The red yeast rice group also experienced a 20% increase in HDL cholesterol.


Red yeast rice should be take in doses of 1,200 mg twice daily with food. In trials, participants noticed their cholesterol levels dropping after roughly 12 weeks.

However, every product examined in the research that showed red yeast rice helped lower cholesterol all contained sizable quantities of monacolin K. Monacolin K is regard as a pharmaceutical product by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has determine that red yeast rice products that include more than trace levels of it are unapprove novel pharmaceuticals and cannot be sold legally as dietary supplements.

Due to this, the red yeast rice nutritional supplements sold in the U.S. have little to no monacolin K content and possibly no effect on blood cholesterol levels.

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Everything about Grape Skin Red Color

Everything about Grape Skin Red Color

Grape skin has long been recognize as a source of organic red colours. The polyphenols that make up those organic red pigments are known as anthocyanins.

These grape skin red color, often known as anthocyanins, are mark E163.The grape skin extract, which is taken from specific Spanish red grapes, comes in hues ranging from dark red to violet.

For the food and beverage industry, this natural component is the ideal red and pink substitute for all synthetic colours.


The grape skin color, one of the greatest natural foods colouring components, is frequently use for:

  • Beverages (soft drinks, spirits)
  • Desserts with dairy and ice cream (yoghurts)
  • Making jams and fruit dishes
  • Confectionery

The grape, a natural food colouring for cakes, candies, and dairy desserts, also contains potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities, making this natural colouring extract an ideal ingredient for nutraceutical products and novel functional food recipes.

Grape Skin

Alcoholic beverages and beverage bases. Depending on the precise concentration employed, grape skin color gives these beverages a pink to deep purple hue. Grape skin colors typically utilized at very low quantities in foods, with typical final food product concentrations of 0.05–0.1%. According to 21 CFR 73.250, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given the go-ahead for the use of grape skin color at any concentrations that are deemed to be within Good Manufacturing Practices and do not go over what is required to provide the desired colouring effect.

Look no further than us if you're searching to purchase natural food colouring alternatives made from grapes that are sustainable.Since we are direct manufacturers, we can provide a variety of goods, including some common goods:

  • EV2 (liquid)
  • liquid EV3 EV12 -24 (powder)

We can ensure the quality of our products and the traceability of our raw materials because we have our own R&D team.


Several organic and non-organic food products currently employ grape skin extract as a colour component. Grape Skin Extract has been use as a permit non-synthetic ingredient in organic foods under the category of "Colors, non-synthetic sources only," which is list on the National List under item number 205.605. (a).

However, it has been suggest by the National Organic Standards Board that "Colors, non-synthetic sources exclusively" be permitt to sunset off of the National List in October 2007.

Grape Skin Extract must therefore be list on the National List as a separate colouring component.

Grape Skin Extract fulfills the requirement for an agricultural substance under the present definition due to the minimum processing required in its production.

This petition requests that Grape Skin Extract be listed as a permit non-organic agricultural ingredient under Section 205.606 until a commercially available organic form of Grape Skin Extract is made available to producers of organic foods in the form, quality, and quantity require to meet the demands of the organic industry.

Availability of Natural Food Coloring

One of the top manufacturers and distributors of natural grape extract, particularly grape skin extract, is Santa color. We are one of the major industrial complexes dedicate to producing natural ingredients

What about labelling?

This product's ingredient statement should be label in accordance with 21CFR 101.22 of the FDA rules. As an example, consider the following examples: fruit juice dyed with colour; coloured with grape juice.

Its Usage

Food In General

Please refer to Chapter 21 of the CFR for the most recent legislation, as there may be limits that only apply to certain food uses. Since laws are not universally harmonised, it is advisable to review regulations for the target market before applying them.

This hue can produce variations ranging from bluish red to purple depending on the application, processing, and quantity used. Higher pH values cause the colour to shift more blue and lose stability.

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How to test Coloring Value or Power for natural colors?

How to test Coloring Value or Power for natural colors?

The term "colorimetry" refers to the measuring of colour. In this field, numerous instruments are employ.

The most advanced analyse light according to the amount of energy present at each spectral wavelength, called spectrophotometers.

The emittance curves for light sources and the emerald green paint pigment reflectance curve are typical spectrophotometer results.

A given spectral energy distribution's colour is challenging to characterise. It is vital to express colour measurements in a perception-related manner since the eye can only distinguish one colour for each given energy distribution.

There are numerous systems, some of which are describe below.

Ways to test colors

Chromaticity and tristimulus measurements

The tristimulus system is based on visually comparing a colour to the three primary colours of red, green, and blue under controlled settings; the three outcomes are stated as X, Y, and Z, respectively, and are refer to as tristimulus values.

The emerald-green pigment's tristimulus values are X = 22.7, Y = 39.1, and Z = 31.0. Since they are calculate so that the Y value equals a sample's reflectivity (39.1 percent in this example) when visually compared with a standard white surface by a standard (average) viewer under typical daylight, these values specify not just colour but also visually perceived reflectance.

The dominant wavelength of the emerald-green pigment is 511.9 nm, and the visually perceive dominant spectral wavelength of a specific sample can be identify using the tristimulus values.

Colour atlases

A scientific way to determine colour is to calculate chromaticity and brightness, however for quick visual colour identification of things. In this system, hue, value (which corresponds to reflectance), and

chroma properties of a three-dimensional colour solid are use to match colours to printed colour chips (corresponding to purity, or saturation).

A 10-step value scale, running from black at the bottom to white at the top, is provide by the central vertical axis.

There are 100 colours, which are organise into 10 groups along the vertical axis. Each group includes 10 subdivisions, each of which is given a number from 1 to 10.

Depending on hue and value, the chroma scale moves radially outward from 0 to 18 steps, starting at the vertical axis. The Inter-Society Color Council-National Bureau of Standards (ISCC-NBS) Centroid Color Charts are a useful system when such precision is not necessary.

Natural colors

Organic colour stability is a complex issue, but it's essential for pointing clients in the direction of the right direction for their food and beverage goods.

Natural colour stability is influence by a wide range of variables,

Including raw material quality, formulation, food processing, storage, lighting in supermarkets, and customer cooking. Testing guarantees that the formulations used for processing and packaging are reliable and confirm.

We'll explain how we assess a material's resistance to heat, light, and acid.

Testing takes 3 Steps

Heat stability

Or periods of extended heat, it is crucial to understand how heat stable they are.

Incubating the colour at a time and temperature similar to the customer's use will typically determine stability. There are numerous approaches to test heat stability for various purposes. To determine the effects of time and temperature on the colour, the colour is measure using a colorimeter both before and after the test.

Light stability

Customers with translucent or transparent packaging most frequently request the test for light stability in application

Because they want to know if their product will maintain its original brilliance and shade during the retail shelf life.

The optimum light stability test is a real-time test conduct in the final packaging under the same lighting conditions

That the product will be store, such as Cool White UV, DE65 artificial sunshine, etc.

For as long as the product's desire shelf life, the test is carry out.

Under these circumstances, the colour change can be monitor over time by measuring the product at regular intervals

And using reliable and exact measurements using either absorbance (using a spectrophotometer) or  (using a colorimeter).

(Continued light testing)

Accelerate light testing is carry out utilizing high intensity light if real-time testing cannot be done because of a limit development or launch window.

Samples are place in a photostability cabinet similar to the one shown above, which is set to a temperature of 25°C (77°F), with lighting that simulates supermarket circumstances.

This allows us to obtain general light stability data that would ordinarily take a full year to obtain in real time in just 15 hours.

Acid Stability

Another frequently requested test that determines how persistent a natural colour is at various pH levels

And under certain circumstances is acid stability. Although this depends on the customer and the application, an overall test for acid stability can be carried out.

The natural colour is add to solutions at various pH levels in this kind of test. After that, the colour is measure and observe for a predetermine amount of time

—typically an expedit test for quick results or a real-time test for more thorough outcomes.

It is typically thought to have good acid stability if at the end of that time the colour has not fade or precipitate.

The three factors we discuss here—heat, light, and pH—are the three main natural colour stability factors that are examine,

but other stability tests—such as those for alcohol, salt, or taste system tolerance—

can be carry out according to the needs of certain products or clients.

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How to Use Natural Colors to Make Gummie

How to Use Natural Colors to Make Gummie

‘’Let's understand Gummies making with natural colors’’

The idea behind gummy vitamins is to make them more appealing (read: sweeter) than ordinary vitamins so that people will be more likely to take them.  Gummy supplements really contain fewer vitamins and minerals than conventional supplements, according to Doctors.

The natural food colours on the market now differ from those accessible only a few short years ago.

Several developments in new hue and colour options, as well as numerous reductions in cost-in-use, have been made in order to overcome the fundamental technological issues in fruit snacks and gummies. I'm eager to highlight some of Sensient's most recent developments in these three fields.

We have organic certified food colors

In order to meet the rapidly expanding demand for organic options across all food sectors, Santacolor has been devoted to developing the widest selection of USDA Certified Organic food colour solutions. Today, we provide a complete selection of certified organic hues in almost every hue.

From our certified organic portfolio, the following products are suitable for gummies and fruit snacks.

Organic beets may be heat-sensitive depending on the length and intensity of the gummy or fruit snack manufacturing.

When ascorbic acid is present and at certain pH levels, organic anthocyanin colours will shade shift. Since organic turmeric is a pure pigment, it would need to be heated in order to take on the characteristic yellow hue, and it is also light-sensitive like all turmeric.

You can always rely on my team of passionate colour specialists to guide you through the various intrinsic qualities of our organic and natural food colours. They can make sure you have the ideal option for your formulation, processing conditions, and packaging design.

We are best in market

We have been rigidly working on lowering the cost-in-use of natural colours to facilitate innovation for food producers through our R&D teams, agronomy programme, and strategic acquisitions. We have advanced significantly with several of our colour options.


  • Annatto  Extract 15%
  • Safflower Yellow
  • Purple Sweet Potato Red
  • Radish Red
  • Grape Skin
  • Roselle Red
  • Cabbage red
  • Purple sweet potato
  • Black carrot

General knowledge for customers

  • Low pH brilliant blue and green continue to represent a significant gap in the natural colour market. These hues are particularly difficult because blue is a crucial component of green yet is quite scarce in nature.
  • FDA spirulina limits add even another level of intricacy to the situation.
  • Spirulina colour is currently permitted for usage in ice cream, confections, gelatin, frostings, and confections.
  • Blues and greens from spirulina are the only possibilities that are practical for gummy confections because the majority of fruit snack companies do not identify their product as a confection.
  • Innovating with our present blue vegetable juice and spirulina gives us an excellent platform for developing natural green food hues, even as we continue to look at new technology techniques that might make this rare possible in the coming years.
  • Many of the heat-sensitive natural colour options might be used if natural colours were added after cooking throughout the production process.

Now know how to make gummies

Making a homemade healthy gummy

Note: Using the same procedure you can also go with different color of varieties but rest the procedure should be same in order to making yummy gummies from natural color in this example we will be using a color you can see beneath this.


  • 1/2 cups freshly prepared (cold press is preferable) fruit or vegetable juice, or store-bought juice
  • making sure it is 100 percent juice and preferably not from concentrate). Smoothie combinations are also fantastic!
  • 4 tablespoons of gelatin (We prefer grass-fed gelatin, but you can get plain gelatin at your neighbourhood grocery store next to the flavoured Jello.
  • In general, one gelatin packet equals one tablespoon, but to be certain, pour the packets into a bowl and use a measuring spoon.
  • Depending on your preferences and how sweet your juice is, use 2-4 tablespoons of raw honey. You can also use stevia or maple syrup. You may need extra if your juice contains a lot of vegetables, but it is entirely up to you.
  • For an optional extra flavour boost, use 1/2 teaspoon of organic pure vanilla extract.
  • Optional: Any additional ingredients you would like to add, such as cod liver oil, elderberry syrup, or probiotics (to prevent or treat a cold) (immune system booster). Keep in mind that you can substitute these candies for multivitamins.

Making Process

  • Fill a small-to-medium saucepan with juice. A few minutes should pass after the gelatin is sprinkled on top before it begins to "bloom"
  • it will get wrinkly looking on the surface and all of the Gelatin's white powder will dissolve into the liquid. Mix the gelatin thoroughly once it has all dissolved.
  • Then set the stove's medium heat on the saucepan. Don't let the liquid boil; just allow it to warm up. You want the gelatin to totally dissolve and become thin and runny
  • It will be grainy at the beginning but after a couple of minutes in the heat it should dissolve completely). The honey, vanilla bean extract, and any additional ingredients should be added.
  • In a loaf pan or your fun gummy moulds, pour the liquid into a small jar and place in the refrigerator for two to three hours.
  • The Freshware 30-Cavity Silicone Mold, the Toy, Car, Block and Bear Chocolate, Gummy Mold,
  • and the Kilofly Silicone Mold, Robot & Dinosaur are a few of kids  favourite moulds.
  • Take out of the moulds. They emerge instantly. Cut your gelatin into manageable squares if you're using the loaf pan.
  • For around two weeks, store your homemade healthy gummies in the refrigerator in an airtight container. They will last if you leave them outside, but We advise keeping them in the refrigerator.

To learn more about natural colours click here

Everything about the application of natural food coloring in baking

Everything about the application of natural food coloring in baking

Privately created cakes and pastries have become increasingly popular in recent years.

Innovative bakers have started to share their delectable pastries through the Internet platform so that more people can enjoy high-quality pastries and promote healthy eating while also increasing the health and deliciousness of their own dining tables.

Everyone turned to overseas purchases and imported food colouring due to the rapid development of the western pastry food industry and the rapid upgrading of industrial technology.

The following sections make up the bulk of our conversation with you today

  • Food colouring safety evaluation and undiscovered risks.
  • Natural colours that can be used in pastries and cakes.
  • Tips for choosing, using, and substituting cake and pastry colours.

First lets talk about the safety evaluation

  • The purpose of food colouring is to make food look better, stimulate desire, associate flavour with food, and convey a sense of pleasure. influence how individuals perceive flavour and taste; one of the criteria used to determine if food is fresh.
  • Natural and artificial food colouring are divided into two categories.
  • Organic pigments are food dyes derived from organic materials, mostly from animal and plant tissues and microorganisms (cultures), the bulk of which are plant colourants.
  • Natural pigments offer a high level of safety and are non-toxic to humans. The majority of natural pigments are now permitted for usage in China;
  • The majority of natural colours contain specific nutrients.
  • Natural pigments can more accurately mimic the hue of natural items and produce more natural-looking colour tones;
  • High cost, low fastness, strong acid and alkali, high temperature, light, etc. would impact its stability.
  • Some varieties of natural pigments have a special aromatic flavour, which can convey a good feeling to people when added to food. (Santa Color, which offers precise and reliable natural pigments)
  • It is challenging to independently blend any colour tone; (Santa Color, the most professional compound natural pigment manufacturer)

Knowledge about Synthetic pigments

They are artificially created organic and inorganic colours, primarily organic pigments manufacture from aniline dyes extracted from coal tar as a starting ingredient.

  • Low price and cost. It is brightly colour, has strong tinting properties, is simple to dissolve, and is simple to colour. The majority of them are manufacture from coal tar, which has an azo chemical structure and can be metabolise by the body to produce possibly cancer-causing substances like -naphthylamine and -amino-1-1-naphthol.
  • In addition to not being able to give the human body the nutrition it needs, synthetic pigments can also be harmful to people's health. For instance, Sudan Red has been shown to alter DNA in human liver cells. In addition to allergies, diarrhoea, kidney stones, and even mutagenic, carcinogenic, and teratogenic effects, other synthetic colours can impair a person's body.

Natural colours that can be utilise in cakes and pastries

  • Dark red: ,monascus  red
  • Purple: Beet red,cochineal
  • Green: Chlorophyll
  • Peach: Beetroot carrot
  • Blue base: spirulina or phycocyanin
  • Brown: Cocoa powder,
  • The status of cake and pastry pigments is that they must be add strictly in accordance with the regulations, which change for each form of baked product and are outline in the applicable domestic food safety regulations.
  • The permitted amount of addition for the same pigment varies depending on the type of food. It is likewise prohibit to contribute more than is necessary. Choosing natural pigments, on the other hand, is not too difficult. The maximum amount of the majority of natural pigments is use in moderation according to production needs" due to safety reasons. 
  • This restriction was put in place for two reasons: first, it is based on consumer eating patterns and safety analysis, and second, it is based on the additive's toxicological test and the upper limit of what humans can tolerate.

How to choose natural pigments expertly based on the intended use  Food Additives

(1) Citrus yellow, beet red, and sorghum red are examples of common natural pigments that can be employed in a variety of foods in the right ratios depending on manufacturing requirements.

(2) Identify the typical natural colours used in baked goods: cochineal red, annatto, grape skin red, gardenia blue, etc. Beta-carotene, beet red, sorghum red, citrus yellow, turmeric, sodium copper chlorophyll, etc.

(3) List of some natural colours that are frequently are in bread: beta-carotene, beet red, sorghum red, citrus yellow, turmeric, sodium copper chlorophyll, grape skin red, annatto, gardenia blue, turmeric, etc.

(4) The following are typical natural pigments are in cakes: Carotene, beet red, sorghum red, citrus yellow, turmeric, sodium copper chlorophyll, annatto, grape skin red, gardenia blue, plant carbon black, radish red, grape skin red, gardenia yellow, cocoa shell colour, chilli red, gardenia blue, chilli orange, monascus red, and monascus yellow, among other colours.

(5) Common natural colours found in biscuits include: -carotene, cochineal red, annatto, grape skin red, gardenia blue, Monascus red, caramel colour, cocoa shell colour, chilli orange, chilli red, sodium copper chlorophyll, vegetable carbon black, gardenia yellow, etc.

(6) List the natural colours that are frequently use in baking food fillings and surface paste. A few examples include alpha-carotene, beet red, sorghum red, citrus yellow, turmeric, sodium copper chlorophyll, grape skin red, gardenia blue, monascus red, cocoa shell colour, chilli orange, chilli red, gardenia yellow, gardenia blue, and caramel colour (popular method). — (flavor pie fillings only).

Tips for choosing, using, and substituting cake and pastry colours

  1. Make good use of foods that naturally include colour,

such as purple potatoes, chocolate, carrots, amaranth, matcha, tea powder, all types of fruit powder, jam, chilli, etc.; however, be aware of some purple potato powder, matcha powder, and jam that may contain artificial colouring.

  1. Some synthetic pigments gradually enlarge in the body and are challenging to digest and eliminate from the body. In youngsters with impaired liver and kidney functions in particular,

the damage to the human body slowly builds up and is particularly severe. Avoiding the use of artificial colours in baked goods is advise.

  1. Avoid using illicit pigments and don't utilise pigments outside of their intended application.
  1. When you do need to use it, try to spend as little and as little as possible. The concealed hazard increases with colour brightness.
  1. Use safe and authorised natural pigments which Santacolor can provide you.

Why do natural food colours fade over time?

A number of things, including extreme heat, light, excessive acid and alkali,

oxygen, metal ions, and so forth, have an impact on natural food colouring. (Santa Color blends natural pigments expertly; these pigments are generally more resistant to high temperatures, acid, and alkali.)

and so forth, have an impact on natural food colouring. (Santa Color blends natural pigments expertly; these pigments are generally more resistant to high temperatures, acid, and alkali.)

Give us order for natural colors click here.

Explore our products.

Natural Food Color Can Make Best 3D Jelly Cake!

Natural Food Color Can Make Best 3D Jelly Cake!

Have you ever used Santacolor organic colour for the basis of making your 3D jelly cake?

This organic colour isn't just for flower colours. Also, the colour is perfect for your 3D jelly cake base.

Organic Natural Food colors

The 3D jelly cakes are the latest in a long line of innovations, and while they look fantastic and could be mistaken for a painting, they are made entirely with natural food coloring, such as our Beetroot red color; additional natural colours will be introduce in this blog and near future too.

What Ingredients include in making process of Jelly cake

Today's jelly cake manufacturers use a big mould to assemble numerous layers of gelatin. After a clear gelatin layer has been set for the canvas, a culinary syringe can be used to inject coloured gelatin (typically flavour with fruit) into that already-set clear layer.

How Do You Make 3D Cake with natural colors at home

This tutorial will show you how to make organic colour for a 3D jelly cake:

1. Bring 1000cc of milk to a boil in a large pot.

2. Add 1 package of jelly powder to the mixture.

3. In the boiled milk, the cooked jelly is dissolve.

4. Mix 15ml hot water with 1/3 tea spoon colour melt. Use 1 cup of milk jelly with 200ml of milk.

When you add more, the colour will darken.

Colors that are natural Food, rice, cake, and jelly cakes are all acceptable. Particularly, after making a 3D jelly cake, the organic hue does not fade.

Our Catalogue Varieties

Natural color that we are offering right now that you can use in making 3D jelly cake is:

  • Dark red: red yeast rice powder,monascus  red
  • Purple: Beet red,cochineal
  • Green: Chlorophyll🍃
  • Dark Pink: 10h flower 🌺: red dragon fruit:Black: charcoal,vegetable black carbon
  • Peach: Beetroot carrot
  • Blue base: spirulina or phycocyanin
  • Brown: Cocoa powder,

There are more colors that you can use just visit our Varieties

How Long it cake stays fresh to use

If carefully stored in the refrigerator, the cake can survive up to 3-4 days. It is suggest to consume on the day of purchase for optimum pleasure.

Understanding the Art of making jelly

Injecting a colourful base into transparent gelatin to make petals, leaves, and other shapes is how gelatin art is create. To begin, combine the gelatin powder and water in a saucepan, exactly like you would with store-bought jello. The key is to use high-quality gelatin that is clear, odourless, and produces a hard jelly.

Please direct to our Products to see amazing healthy natural colors.To give us inquiry or order please click Santainfo.

Natural color For Dyeing

Natural color For Dyeing

Santa color  colours can be used to make natural dyeing for the variety of fabrics. You can dye materials in any colour combination you wish!

What You need to have knowledge about

Natural resources can't be used to colour every fabric. The greatest ones to utilise are those that are composed of natural materials. Cotton, silk, wool, and linen are the best dye acceptors.

Synthetic mixes can be dyed, however they are usually lighter in colour. If you're not sure and are willing to take a chance on the object you want to dye, go ahead and do it. If it's a precious item, look for a similar scrap of fabric and test it first.

Our Natural Colors You can use

  • Brown: dandelion roots
  • Pink: Red Dragon
  • Blue: Phcocyanin, red cabbage, Red-brown: pomegranates, beets, bamboo, hibiscus (reddish color flowers), bloodroot
  • Green: Chlorophyll
  • Yellow:  paprika, turmeric.

What is the steps we should follow

You'll want to prepare the fabric before you begin the dyeing procedure. To begin, wash the fabric. But don't dry it; it has to be damp. Then make your fixative, often known as a "mordant." This will make it easier for the fabric to absorb natural dyes. Salt should be used for berries, while vinegar should be used for any other plant material. Here are the measurments!

  • 1/2 cup salt, dissolved with 8 cups cold water
  • 1 part white vinegar + 4 parts cold water = vinegar

For an hour, soak your damp fabric in the fixative solution. When finished, rinse with cool water. The fabric must then be dyed.


Cover the surface of your work area with newspaper before you begin. I also cover my countertops with plastic sheeting because I don't want to colour them. Wear gloves to ensure that you just colour the fabric and not your hands. Then, have your dye ready.

Dyeing Process

  • In a large non-reactive pot, place the plant material (like stainless steel or glass). Keep in mind that the dye may discolour some pots and spoons, so only use them for dyeing.
  • Double the amount of water in the pot as the plant material.
  • Simmer for about an hour, or until the colour is dark and rich.Return the liquid to the pot after straining off the plant material.
  • Place the fabric in the dye bath with care and bring to a moderate boil. Cook, stirring periodically, for about one hour.
  • Make sure your cloth is in good shape. Remember that after it dries, it will be lighter. Allowing it to sit for an hour should yield beautiful colour, but darker hues can be created by allowing it to sit for extended periods of time, even overnight. After an hour, turn the pot off and let the fabric soak in the warm water for as long as it needs to.
  • Remove the fabric and wash it in cold water once you've achieved the desired hue. As the extra dye is washed off, expect the colour to run a little.
  • Allow to dry as usual.

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How to Make Facial Mask with Natural Colors

How to Make Facial Mask with Natural Colors

Making facial mask with natural colors not only gives skin a fresh look but it also have no harm full effects on the skin as compare to artificial colors to look how we can create facial mask see the procedure.

For Dry Skin ( Red mask )

If you've used up all of your hyaluronic acid serums and your dry skin still isn't responding, Santa color recipe is for you.

Ingredients we need

  • Clay, 6 tsp
  • 2 tblsp aloe vera gel
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey
  • a squirt of pure spring water
  • Pinch of red beet color

'The best method to balance dry skin is to eat the correct meals and stay hydrated.  For a calming effect, add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the concoction.

Lavender is undoubtedly the most well-known essential oil; its characteristic aroma can help relax the nervous system, and it's especially good for restlessness, irritation, and sleeplessness.'

Make a smooth paste with all of the ingredients, gently massage into your face and neck, and leave on for 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

To Sooth the skin ( Blue mask )

What we need is

  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1/4 ripe avocado with 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 2 drops lavender essential oil
  • Pinch of pycocyanin powder

The coconut oil, honey, and lavender oil in this delectable-sounding face mask give deep hydration, antioxidants, and redness reduction.. Combine the ingredients and apply with a face mask brush for the ultimate at-home spa experience.

Nourish the skin ( yellow mask)

  • A half avocado
  • honey (1 tablespoon)
  • Pinch of safflower yellow 

Honey is a great humectant, which means it keeps skin moist without making it oily, but that's not all. 'It's a miracle ingredient. When massaged into injured areas, it improves the appearance of scars and promotes healing and tissue regeneration.

For best skin texture ( pink)

  • 1 spoonful plain natural yoghurt
  • Honey (1 tablespoon)
  • 1 tablespoon powdered curcumin
  • Pinch of beet

Yogurt, like milk, is high in lactic acid, which improves the appearance of skin by lifting away rough and dull surface cells to reveal much younger, brighter ones. Honey attracts moisture, while curcumin, according to Kate Protopapas, might aid with pigmentation if you've been sun-worshipping for too long.

Some Suggestions

  • Avoid putting certain ingredients on your skin directly Why? Because These could make the skin more susceptible to light and possibly induce skin bleaching,' says the expert.
  • On the day you make the mask, put it on. Ingredients that are exposed to air and bacteria may soon deteriorate and may irritate the skin. Make your mask with fresh ingredients and use it within an hour after making it to be safe.

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Natural Colors for Baby Plasticene

Natural Colors for Baby Plasticene

How to make some absolutely wonderfully colored natural play Plasticene dyes with plants and pantry goods! Combine these natural dyes with my best-ever, no-cook, zero-waste play Plasticene recipe for an amazing, all-natural play experience for your kids!


1/2 cup of the salt ,1 cup of flour, 1 cup water

2 tbsp Oil, Food colouring ,1/2 cup cornstarch

Steps of preparation

In a mixing bowl, combine all of the ingredients and stir well. In a medium-sized saucepan over medium heat, combine the ingredients.. Mix while cooking until the Plasticene no longer sticks to the pan's edge. Subtract the number of colours you want to make from the total. Add a few drops of food colouring to each Plasticene ball and knead until the colour is uniform. We will be following almost the exact same steps to make Plasticene in different natural colors.

Take care, it's extremely hot!

After it has cooled, you are ready to play!

Colors for Plasticene

Radish Red Color

The removal of the colour from radish, an edible vegetable, is referred to as natural radish colour extraction.

The extract is primarily in the form of powder or liquid and contains anthocyanin; anthocyanin is a chemical with antioxidant qualities that is primarily renowned for its vibrant red and purple colours. We can use red Radish color in the plasticene its completely safe to use. Two of the most prestigious food regulatory authorities, the FDA and the EFSA, have approved the natural colour for use in foods.


Only a small amount of curcumin is required to achieve this extremely brilliant yellow colour. Be warned: it's a powerful colour that's commonly used in cooking, so keep it on a tray or tablecloth for your kids to play with! we found it to be alright once blended into the Plasticene and cooled, but we had to be extremely careful while making it (especially on my new white kitchen counter tops!)Simply dissolve a teaspoon of curcumin in a cup of hot water and continue with the preparation as usual.

Red Cabbage Color

This dye has the greatest odour, but it also produces the most beautiful purple tint! In order to make this, I think it's worth a little cabbage water fragrance, and a little goes a long way. Using a hefty bunch of red cabbage, shred it (two handfuls if you want to also create the blue colour too.) Place it in a pan with just enough water to cover it, then cook for about 20 minutes on low heat.

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What is Edible Ink and Is That Good for Color Decoration

What is Edible Ink and Is That Good for Color Decoration

Edible ink are inks that can be consumed. It's usually used to decorate cakes, cupcakes, and cookies. Snapshot cakes are made with edible ink to create one-of-a-kind baked delicacies.
Food colorings and colours, both natural and synthetic, have been used for years and are the most common edible inks.
In the early 2000s, edible inks for use in printers, such as those use to replicate photos onto baked goods, were developed. The technique was first used by commercial bakeries, but it is now available for home usage.

Edible ink Varieties

Edible ink comes in two varieties. There's the edible ink, which is apply freehand. Airbrushing pens, bottles, and even canisters provide cake decorators the ability to paint, draw, and spray on an almost infinite number of effects, images, and textures straight into a cake.

To put it another way, if you can paint, you can use these inks.

Second, there are edible ink cartridges for printers. These work just like ordinary ink cartridges, only they are safe for human ingestion, unlike regular printer ink.

You upload or download an image to your computer, then print as many copies as you like on special edible paper. The designs can then be cut out with a knife.

Which paper is use for decoration?

Icing sheets: These are tiny layers of icing that are spread onto a plastic base and usually have a vanilla flavor. This makes it simple to feed the frosting into a printer.

This paper is ideal for images and designs that need to blend in with the cake's existing icing. The icing just dissolves into the cake's icing, leaving only the image.

Remember to remove the backing before placing the image on your dessert, and if it's a huge image, smooth it out as you go.

Wafer paper: Often known as rice paper, is create from a combination of potato and rice starches. The starchiness of the paper ensures that it retains its shape even when wet.

Because it causes images to blur, it's best use for abstract designs or background textures when sharp lines aren't required. They're also a lot less expensive than icing sheets.

Edible ink for decoration

Answer is ‘’yes’’ it is good for the decoration and have no harm to human’s health. Icing inks contributes significantly to cake decoration by offering a wide choice of edible-ink-markers.

The ink comes in a variety of colors. Edible Ink Markers are a fantastic addition to the decor.

The markers are useful for writing text messages, inserting names, and creating artwork on the surface. The pens are quite convenient to use. You can practice with it exactly like you would with a pen and paper.

They're also useful for decorating cookies, pastries, icing sheets, and bread, among other baked goods. You can also use it to write in any brilliant color of your choice.


Wide range of colors: Lettering pens come in a variety of hues, including black, brown, yellow, green, red, and blue. These hues are made from fruits and vegetables. They're delicious and completely safe for your health.

Personalized design: The markers prove useful when it comes to personalizing cakes for birthday parties and wedding receptions. On edible icing sheets for cakes, they support your own handwriting. You could surprise your visitors. You can also write a few lines of your message to make an event more meaningful to you and your loved ones. On a particular day, you might greet your guests with a message of your best wishes and compliments.

FDA: The best feature of the markers is that they are all FDA approve. They are made in accordance with all FDA standards and guidelines. Purified water, propylene glycol, and food coloring make up the ink. It's kept fresh with a mixture of preservatives like Sodium Benzoate, Methyl/Propyl Paraben, and Citric Acid. The ink does not include any sugar.

Versatility: The tools can be used to write on iced cookies, donuts, marzipan, marshmallows, fondant, hard chocolates, chocolate transfer sheets, and a variety of other objects. You can use stunning and artistic designs to embellish such goods. The pens' varied performance is quite outstanding in today's world of modern culture and confectionaries.

Personal & Professional use: Edible Inks appliances are useful for both personal and business purposes. Many bakers and families all over the world are benefiting from these healthy tools. Edible inks' cake markers are fantastic tools for quickly decorating cakes.

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Natural Colors for Edible Inks

Natural Colors for Edible Inks

Inks that can be eaten is known as edible ink. It's mostly used to decorate baked goods like cakes, cupcakes, and cookies. Edible ink is used to make one-of-a-kind baked goods like snapshot cakes.

Natural and manufactured food colorings and dyes have been used for years and are the edible inks that most people are familiar with.

Edible inks for use in printers, such as those used to copy photographs on baked goods, were created in the early 2000s. Commercial bakers were the first to employ the technology, but it is now available for home use.

Which color can we use for edible inks?

Food-grade chemicals are used to make FDA-approved edible inks. If you're willing to experiment, you don't have to use chemically based food colorings.

There are various colors which can be used in edible inks for instance 

For Orange 

You can also use carrot juice, which will sweeten the food colouring.

For Green

Liquid chlorophyll, which may be found in health food stores, also you can give us inquiry is a good option. You could also use spinach, which doesn't contribute any flavour to the food ink combination.

For Yellow

To create yellow food colour, use turmeric or saffron. Test the food inks you're making because these may modify the taste of the combination.

For Pink

Beets can be used to make pink or crimson (canned beets, or boiled or juiced raw beets). There is almost no taste to these. You may also use strawberries or pomegranates, but they will have a distinct flavour than the food colouring. If you prefer to add strawberries or pomegranates, mix them first and then filter the red colouring out.

Process for using edible inks on cookies, cakes

You get rice flour-based paper that has been properly prepared. It comes on a plastic backing sheet that you peel off after printing and before adding on the food.

You purchase edible inks that have been specifically created. Food colouring that has been approved by the FDA. They can be put in refillable cartridges that are solely used for edible printing.

You buy an inkjet printer dedicated solely to food printing in order to minimize cross-contamination of food inks with ordinary inks and vice versa.

You use rice-flour paper to print your photo. Alternatively, you can use a pen to sketch the image with food colouring.

After the cake or cookies have been baked, cut the proper sized inkjet printed image sheet, remove the backing, wet the back of the paper, and set the image image side up onto the cake or cookie.

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Best Natural Colors for Dairy Products

Best Natural Colors for Dairy Products

Because the products are frequently chilled or frozen and kept out of direct sunlight, a wide range of natural dairy colours can be apply. pH, heat from pasteurization, and added flavours are the key stability factors when choosing a natural colour in dairy.

phycocyanin, turmeric, beta-carotene, annatto, and beet all function well at a neutral pH and provide a range of colour options from yellow to orange and pink to red.

When using anthocyanins, please be careful. Anthocyanins will transform from red to purple as the pH of a substance becomes neutral, and they may diminish with time.


Carotene increased milk protein content from 2.90 to 2.96 percent while lowering the proportion of primiparous cows having a milk fat-to-protein ratio of >1.5 from 22.6 to 6.4 percent.

Beta carotene is a pigment that gives vegetables & dairy products their bright yellow, orange, and red hues.

Beta Carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body (retinol). Vitamin A, also known as the "vitamin of eyesight," is essential for cell growth and the health of organs such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys.


Phycocyanin is the most well-known microalgae for improving fermented milk products.

The incorporation of phycocyanin into probiotic fermented goods, as well as improving probiotic bacteria survival, which increases their functional qualities. Due to their key nutrient quality, is consider "functional food."

This topic focuses on the use of microalgae, particularly phycocyanin, in fermented milk to boost probiotic viability and acidification properties.


It is a yellow/orange food colouring that is commonly use in the dairy sector.

Annatto, which is made up of the carotenoids bixin and norbixin, is often used in the production of orange cheeses like Cheddar in order to maintain a consistent hue throughout the year. Its a form of food colouring derived from achiote tree seeds (Bixa orellana).


Water-Soluble Carmine are also use in dairy products that require pink or red colouring, such as ice cream and yoghurt. Liquid Carmine can be use in a variety of dairy and beverage products, including juices, energy drinks, and alcoholic beverages.

Carminic acid can also be use in dairy and beverage goods. Carmine is use in everything from yoghurts and ice creams to fruit pies, soft beverages, cupcakes, and doughnuts around the world. It's also widely utilise in the cosmetics sector, and many lipsticks contain it.

Vegetable carbon black

It has excellent heat and light stability and works well with other natural colors for custom blends or to adjust color shade. It is great for confectionery, bakery, and ice cream applications.


Turmeric comes in a variety of colours, ranging from bright yellow to deep orange, and is commonly use as a food colouring. Consider the bright colours of yellow mustard, golden butter, and orange cheese, which all contain turmeric.

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Best Natural Colors for Yogurt

Best Natural Colors for Yogurt

The dairy business utilizes a variety of colors to improve the appearance of its products. Consumers will be able to consume a finished product comprised entirely of natural ingredients as a result of this advancement.

Furthermore, the procedure does not necessitate industrial extraction, implying that it is a more environmentally friendly procedure.
Some of the best natural colors which can be used in the yogurt are as follow


Yogurts come in a wide range of flavours that we consume on a regular basis. You might not realize how your favorite yoghurt flavours get their colors. Santacolor colorants that can be used in yoghurt. We mostly use liquid carmine, as well as water-soluble carmine, to flavor strawberry yoghurt. You can get the color for a strawberry yoghurt, raspberry, or cherry depending on how much carmine you use.

Carmine gives excellent red and orange tones in dairy applications. Carmine is also heat and light resistant, and clings well to fruit preparations used in the dairy industry. This is useful in applications like Greek yoghurt and fruit pulp juice drinks.


Turmeric can be used with chlorophyll to create a lemon-green colour. Chlorophyll can be used alone to generate a typical verne colour or a minty yoghurt flavour. Turmeric, on the other hand, can be used to colour pineapple yoghurt. All of the above are mostly used as liquids.


The health benefits of phycocyanin-containing yoghurt contribute to consumer pleasure. Due to its antibacterial capabilities, phycocyanin may have an inhibitory influence on yoghurt cultures, as well as affecting its physicochemical qualities. The goal of the study was to see how phycocyanin affected the antibacterial and physicochemical qualities of yoghurt.

When the pH of the yoghurt reached 4.5, purified phycocyanin was added, stirred, and stored at 4 °C to make phycocyanin-enriched yoghurt.

Food experts consider blue spirulina to be a "food diamond."

The addition of blue spirulina to yoghurt boosts the protein content, provides balanced animal and plant nutrition, obtains the best combination, and fully fulfils the purpose of the meal.

Blue spirulina also has beneficial effects on yoghurt, such as water reduction, hardness, colour stability, and bacterial growth inhibition.

When you combine this natural food colourant with yoghurt, the protein, fat, and dietary fibre content increases. According to studies, this food color possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and brain-protecting qualities.

It helps to detoxify the body, stimulate the immune system, and heal sinuses.

Some people dislike phycocyanin because of its fishy smell, however when you mix it with yoghurt or a smoothie, the smells disappear away.

Red Radish Color

It's a type of red cabbage-derived natural colourant. Anthocyanins, flavones, and tannins are found in it.

The PH of the surroundings can affect its colour and stability.

The colour is red or amaranthine at pH 2.0-6.0; blue at pH 7.0; and unstable green at pH over 7.0.

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Sodium copper chlorophyllin & Gardenia Green

Sodium copper chlorophyllin & Gardenia Green

Sodium Copper chlorophyllin Gardenia green
It can be used in gummies or boiled sweets because it is water soluble. Water soluble, can be used in soft drink candies etc.
Isn't it a fat-soluble substance non-polar solvents such as benzene and gasoline insoluble
Green plants contain it in their chloroplasts. Gardenia is a genus of flowering plants in the Rubiaceae family, which includes coffee plants.
This is a chlorophyll-based compound. ODORLESS

Expensive Cheaper

Sodium copper chlorophyllin

What basically sodium copper is it that it's a mixture of water-soluble chlorophyll derivatives, sodium copper chlorophyllin (SCC), is used as a food colorant and a frequent dietary supplement. Although its commercial preparation's potential antimutagenic and antioxidant capabilities have been proven.

SCC (sodium copper chlorophyllin) is a bright green, water-soluble combination produced from natural chlorophyll with antimutagenic and antioxidant properties.

The commercial-grade SCC is made by reacting a crude chlorophyll extract with methanolic sodium hydroxide, then replacing the central magnesium atom with a heavy metal.


So, if we talk about the properties sodium copper is the anti-inflammatory, deodorizing, erythropoietic, and antimutagenic properties of sodium copper chlorophyllin (SCC) have been discovered1. COVID-19 is being investigated at the moment.

Chemical formula and E- number

If we talk about its chemical formula so it is C34H31CuN4Na3O6

Where is CAS number is 11006-34-1.

E number: E141.


It's expensive than gardenia green, gardenia green is way cheaper than this

Where it can be used its application?

It can be use in confectionery, desserts, beverages, dairy goods, ice cream, fruit preparation, bakery items, soups, sauces, snack food, seasonings, and convenience foods are all common applications. In the United States, sodium-copper chlorophyllin is an authorized food colorant that is exempt from certification. It can be used in dry mix, citrus-based beverages with a maximum ratio of 0.2 percent. Butter and other high-fat foods contain chlorophyllin as a colorant.

What about the exact health benefits of using sodium copper chlorophyllin?

  • It is occasionally used as a medication. It is also used as a food coloring because of its green color.
  • Chlorophyllin appears to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It may also prevent the body from absorbing certain substances that raise a person's cancer risk.
  • Some people use chlorophyllin to treat body odor, urine odor, bowel movement odor, poor breath, cancer, acne, and sun-damaged skin wrinkles.


Taking by mouth

When taken in larger amounts as medicine for up to three months, chlorophyllin may be considered safe. It has the potential to make your skin more sun-sensitive.

There isn't enough trustworthy data to say whether chlorophyllin is safe to use for more than three months. Copper, which is found in chlorophyllin, can have major side effects if taken in large levels for a sustained length of time.

Applying on skin

There is insufficient credible information to determine whether chlorophyllin is safe for skin as it has the potential to make your skin more sun-sensitive.

Gardenia Green

Its combination of blue gardenia color with a yellow gardenia color. The blue hue comes from gardenia fruits, while the yellow color comes from an enzyme process. The colors are a mix of gardenia yellow and gardenia blue and vary from green to dark green powder.

Gardenia fruit is a natural food colorant from the Rubiaceous plant family. Crocin and crocetin are two of its key components. Even after thirty minutes at a temperature of eighty degrees Celsius, the color tone stays unaltered. The colorant comes in a variety of shades ranging from light green to moss green.


  • Gardenia green e12-e14
  • odorless
  • Water soluble
  • Color is green to dark green powder


  • Food coloring properties that are exceptional.
  • Between pH4.0 and 7.5, the clear green color tone remains constant.
  • Superior heat resistance; the color tone of the food color remains unaltered after 30 minutes at 80°C.
  • When compared to other food colors, light resistance is consistent.
  • Metal ions do not change the color of gardenia green food, but Fe++ does (iron ion). In this instance, metal ion chelating agents such as polyphosphate salts are beneficial.
  • A wide range of goods are offered, with colors ranging from light green to moss green.

What properties gardenia green do have?

The colorant is heat resistant to a high degree.

The substance is practically odorless and has a low hygroscopicity. The stability and tone of the colorant are unaffected by PH variations in a 1 percent aqueous solution of 4.5 +0.5. Calcium ion and aluminum ion have no effect on the colorant, while tin ion and iron ion can cause it to darken.

Where it can be used?

Gardenia green food colorant is mostly used in wine mixing, sweets, fruit juice drinks, soft drinks, cakes, puffed food, pastry, ice cream, jams, and candies as a complementing color.

Usage details

For instant rice and wheat products, the maximum consumption limit is 0.5g/kg.

0.3g/kg for jam and confectionery

Other products have a 0.2g/kg limit.

How to use natural color to make Ice cream?

How to use natural color to make Ice cream?

Ice cream is a soft, creamy treat made from a mixture of milk, cream, sugar, and sometimes other ingredients that has been frozen using unique procedures. Ice cream has been a beloved dessert for hundreds of years. The rising popularity of ice cream has spawned a slew of new flavors, including frozen custard, frozen yoghurt, and even non-dairy alternatives made with coconut milk.


Steps to make ice cream with natural colors are very easy. Use of nature color not only makes ice cream look great & attractive but it also tastes great.

Here are few things you will be needing to make ice cream with natural color


  1. a third of a cup of white sugar
  2. 1 cup heavy cream (whipped)
  3. 2 1/4 cup milk
  4. Natural color any color you would like to have

Which color you can use in ice cream & desserts?

There are many natural colors that you can actually use in ice cream for instance

  • vegetable black carbon
  • radish red
  • black carrot color
  • gardenia yellow
  • Phycocyanin

How to make ice cream and put natural color in it?

  1. Firstly, what you will do is you will be needing a sauce pan. In a saucepan, combine the sugar, cream, and milk and cook over low heat until the sugar fully dissolved. Heat until the mixture is steaming hot and a little ring of foam forms around the edge.
  2. Fill a pourable container, such as a big measuring cup, with the cream mixture. Add the natural color which ever you would like to add (your choice) & vanilla extract (because we are making vanilla ice cream) and chill the mixture for at least 2 hours. (It's better to leave it overnight.)
  3. Pour the chilled ice cream mix into an ice cream maker, set it on, and churn for 20 to 25 minutes, depending on the manufacturer's instructions.
  4. Serve immediately when the ice cream is gently frozen, or wrap it in plastic wrap and set it in the freezer for 2 to 3 hours to ripen.

But What if you don’t have ice cream machine can you make ice cream at home?

Ofcourse!! You can make ice cream at home as well you will need to follow these steps to make a delicious ice cream at home.

  1. First of all, to begin, place the bowl and beaters in the freezer overnight. You must chill the cream and condensed milk in the refrigerator rather than the freezer.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the condensed milk and vanilla essence & natural color. Set this aside for now. Cool the bowl by pouring the chill cream in it.
  3. Start whipping with an electric mixer, a stand mixer, or a hand mixer. Depending on your cream, whip until soft or firm peaks form.
  4. Add 1 to 2 scoops of this should be added to the condensed milk. You can also mix condensed milk into whipped cream straight. However, we prefer to do it this way as a precautionary measure to avoid deflating the cream.
  5. Stir it lightly to ensure uniform mixing.
  6. Pour it over the whipped cream.
  7. Stir carefully to ensure even mixing without deflating the whipped cream too much.
  8. Place the mixture in a freezer-safe container or box. Cover the mixture with cling wrap or a food-safe plastic sheet. It must make contact with the cream. This reduces the formation of ice crystals. Freeze for at least 8 hours after covering the box.
  9. After 15 minutes of being out of the freezer at 30 degrees C, it will begin to melt. If you're serving it at a party, scoop the mixture into ramekins and freeze it for up to an hour before serving.

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How to use natural color to make macaron

How to use natural color to make macaron


A macaron, often called a French macaron, is a delicious meringue dessert made with egg white, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond flour, and food colouring. The macaron is said to have been introduced to France by Queen Catherine de Medici's Italian cook.

Is it possible to make macaron with natural colors?

Definitely it is possible you can use various natural color to make macarons. Ingredients like freeze dried fruit powder, turmeric, hibiscus powder, and beet root powder, gardenia blue, gardenia yellow, sodium copper, carmine cochineal, paprika red, vegetable carbon black could also be used as natural food colouring.

You can use any of the natural food color to make macarons but today we will be making macaron with beet root. If you would like to try another color you can also do that no worries.

Is natural food coloring is ok ?

Yes, its completely safe to use. Natural dyes have been used to colour food for ages.

Way to make macaron with natural color

You will need few things to make macaron . You should have

  • 3 beaten egg whites
  • A quarter cup of white sugar 1 cup flour made from almonds
  • 1 and a half cups powdered sugar
  • Natural colors from ( Santacolor) (any color you desire)
  • Baking mat for macarons made of silicone

Now you will need to follow these steps after

  1. On a cookie sheet, place a silicone macaron baking mat.
  2. In a mixing bowl, whip the egg whites using a stand mixer until they are frothy. Mix in the white sugar until the egg whites are glossy and frothy. The egg whites should have soft peaks.
  3. Add drops of beet root color until the desired shade is achieved.
  4. Whisk together the egg whites, powdered sugar, and almond flour in a large mixing bowl. With a large spoon or spatula, do this by hand. Approximately 30 strokes.
  5. Fill a piping bag halfway with the mixture. So that the disc space is cover, pipe the batter onto the silicone baking sheet.
  6. Allow piped cookies to stand at room temperature until they create a hard skin on top once the baking sheet is full (about 1 hour).
  7. Preheat the oven to 285 degrees Fahrenheit and bake cookies for 10 minutes. The cookies should be bake but not overbake. We recommend keeping a tight check on them because they can quickly burn.
  8. After the cookies have completely cooled, sandwich two cookies together with jelly or cream filling.
  9. Wow, people, with your incredible macaron-making abilities... or keep them all to yourself. Enjoy!

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How to use natural color to make jelly

How to use natural color to make jelly


A soft, semisolid food substance with a springy feel prepared by setting a liquid containing pectin or gelatin or by adding gelatin to a liquid, particularly one made of pectin-containing fruit juice cooked with sugar.

Making jelly with natural colors

We have seen many people that makes jelly at their home but with artificial food colors. Today we will be seeing that which natural food colors can be used to make jellies and also their tremendous health benefits.


There is various natural food colorants for giving the color to food but for making jellies you can use

  • Gardenia yellow
  • Gardenia blue
  • Beet red
  • Annatto color

But the question is how to prepare jelly with these natural colors?

Here are the answers. There are few steps to follow in order to make jellies from the natural food colors.

Making jelly

Take a pan & fill two cups of water

Now put 1 cup of sugar, After that stir it until the sugar dissolve completely in that water.

Now you will be needing to add Agar Agar powder 1/tsp & again stir it until that powder dissolves completely


Next step after putting all these substances is boiling that water on medium flame for 10 minutes

Now it depends on you which color you want to use to make jelly as we discuss earlier that we have 4 natural pigments that we are using to make jelly so we will be making four different colors of jellies with the same water but if you want to use 1 color it's ok.

As we are making four different jellies, we will be dividing that mixture of water into four small bowls

Giving Colors

After dividing the water portion equally into every bowl, we will add gardenia yellow, gardenia blue, beet red & anatto color separately to each bowl so we can have four different colors & flavors as well

Amount of color that we will be adding is 0.5g per bowl

Freezing these jellies

Final step is to refrigerate these bowls for 15 minutes

Take out these bowls from your refrigerator after 15 minutes.

Now with the help of knife cut these jellies in the little form of cubes or as you like or as you wants to have .

Your jellies with natural colors are ready enjoy!

But why we use Natural color in jelly?

s we know artificial colors have bad side effects when use consistently or using for long term but if we talk about the natural colorants that comes from different plants & roots have no side effects as artificial colors have infact natural colorants are capable enough where they can not only boost immune system & health but also gives the food such amazing colors that people get fascinated.

To send us inquiry of any of these colors click the color below

Gardenia yellow Gardenenia blue Beet red
Annatto color

To explore more natural colors that we are offering to our customers please click Here.

Your best ice cream natural color

Your best ice cream natural color

Ice cream is a frozen dessert, which refers to a variety of frozen products such as sorbets, frozen yoghurts, non-dairy frozen desserts, and, of course, ice cream. We can consider two separate varieties of frozen desserts: ice cream and sorbets, to simplify its classification.

All products with a neutral pH and dairy components are considered ice cream. Sorbet, on the other hand, refers to items with an acidic pH that are created with water and other ingredients such as fruit but do not contain dairy.

Use of natural colors in Ice cream

Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 governs the use of food colors in the European Union. Certain natural colors can be used without restriction in the production of ice cream, according to this legislation.


Because there are so many flavors associated with yellow, it is one of the most popular colors among consumers (banana, vanilla, lemon, etc.). Beta carotenes are one of the most prevalent solutions for tinting ice cream yellow.

Beta-carotenes come in a variety of colors, ranging from pale yellow to practically orange. The tone of beta-carotene will ultimately be determined by the type of beta-carotene, its formulation, particle size in dispersions, and dose.

Beta-carotenes, on the other hand, unlike anthocyanins, are soluble in oil but not in water. Beta-carotenes have the benefit of being relatively heat stable, however they do require some oxidation protection.


The most common natural source for ice creams with green tones is chlorophyll and its derivatives. Chlorophyll has a greenish-yellowish color that is similar of pistachio ice cream, however it is light unstable.

Because the binding of copper to the chromophore increases its stability to heat and light, this instability of chlorophylls has been largely addressed in the case of cupric chlorophyllin's. Copper chlorophyllin produces highly appealing vivid and intense green tones, but it should be noted that the FDA does not allow it to be used in the production of ice cream in products destined for the North American market.


Carotenoids are the most suitable natural dyes to produce orange tones. The most prevalent pigments in the carotenoid family, beta-carotenes, are widely employed in a variety of food products, including dairy, ice cream, prepared dishes, and beverages. It comes in a variety of colors ranging from yellow to red to orange, is fat soluble, and may be found in a variety of cereals, vegetables, fruits, and other plants.


The most extensively used natural brown color is caramel. It has a stronger coloring capacity than other natural brown dyes, hence it outperforms other products used in lesser amounts.It has excellent light and heat resistance. Caramel is most commonly use to color warm flavors like coffee, toffee, and caramel. Caramel is often use to tint vanilla ice cream in little amounts.

They can be blend with red pigments to create very dark brown tones. Caramel hues, as well as burnt sugars and aromatic caramels, are use in a variety of ice cream recipes for various objectives.

Vegetable Carbon Black

It is a charred vegetable matter-base natural food color. It has great heat and light stability and works well with other natural food colors for unique blends or to change color tone.

It's ideal for use in confectionery, pastry, and ice cream. It also gives the intense black color to the ice cream which fascinates the consumers.

Beet red

Because of beetroot's sweetness, it's no wonder that it's use in puddings and desserts. It not only gives this ice cream a stunning purple color, but it also gives it a deep, good flavour that pairs well with chocolate. A flake and a cone, a grating of dark chocolate over a sundae, or warm dark chocolate sauce pools are all good options.

Natural color matching

By choosing heat-resistant natural hues, we seem to have been able to get a very similar color match. Carmine is use for the pink, and turmeric is use for the yellow. Turmeric and gardenia blue are use to make the green.

In Asia, gardenia is a popular color. In Europe and Latin America, a green leaf plant (cu-chlorophyllin) would most likely be combined with turmeric. Spirulina and turmeric are still the greatest ways to make green in the United States.

Click to check the natural color we have

Learn more about natural color click Here.

Clean Labeling and Real Food Movement

Clean Labeling and Real Food Movement

"Clean labelling" is a consumer-driven movement that urges food manufacturers to provide goods with simple labels that disclose natural ingredients and very few chemical additives.

Clean-label food and beverage items have been popular for a long time.

According to "Food Business News," global sales of clean-label foods and drinks were $165 billion in 2015, with $62 billion coming from North America.

By 2020, global revenues might reach $180 billion.

This shows that, despite the time and effort required to assure the safety and quality of alternative ingredients, a growing number of food businesses will join the clean labelling movement.

Firms & Food Industry

Many large food businesses, such as Campbell Soup Company, Nestlé, and Mars, have pledged to eliminate artificial food additives, and clean labelling is driving food product development innovation.

Clean labelling is becoming more of a requirement than a trend in the United States and around the world to stay competitive.

A successful clean-label revolution necessitates a thorough understanding of consumer perspectives, but many consumers are unaware of or disagree about what constitutes a clean label.

Furthermore, switching from artificial to natural components is not a simple procedure for food firms.

Clean labelling will be discussed in depth in this publication, from both a consumer and an industry standpoint.

But How To Define Clean Label?

Here are four clean label required components

  • The product's total weight
  • The address of the manufacturer
  • The nutritional information &
  • The list of ingredients, including allergens and health claims

There is currently no legal or regulatory definition for "clean label."

The term is defined by both the consumer's view of what "natural" means and the marketing strategies used by food makers.

The term "clean label" might imply many things to different individuals, but it usually refers to the following concept.

  • Artificial tastes, artificial colors, artificial preservatives, or synthetic substances are not used.
  • Simplicity: Fewer chemicals and easily identifiable substances that don't sound synthetic or chemical
  • Transparency: entails knowing where ingredients come from and how goods are made.
  • Minimal processing: involves using procedures that customers are unaware are fake.

A clean-labeled product may have a shorter ingredient list or words on the food label such as "natural," "simple," "no artificial," and "no preservatives."

Ingredient Transparency

Ingredient transparency gives insight into the origins of those ingredients and the methods used to obtain them, whereas clean label refers to specific types of ingredients in food.

The Clean Label Project has raised consumer awareness of what should and shouldn't be included on ingredient lists.

While the terms "clean label" and "label transparency" are similar, the distinctions between them might contribute to the confusion generated by today's food labelling.

Both concepts, however, are critical for gaining consumer trust.

Industry Nowadays Activities

Many large manufacturers have pledged to reduce their ingredient lists and others have added explanations to sensitive substances on the label to make them appear "clean" or "natural" to customers.

Other tactics, such as ingredient counts, are used by certain food firms to express the clean-label philosophy.

Learn More about Natural Colors click Here.

Natural colour Advantages and disadvantages

Natural colour Advantages and disadvantages

Natural food color

In simple words you can say that natural color is what you obtain from the natural things that have the ability that it can be used as a food color like vegetables, seeds, algae etc. Use of natural color is completely safe. Some examples of natural food color are carotenoids, chlorophyll, anthocyanin, and turmeric.

We have various natural food color that are very beneficial for the health to check our products click Here.

Advantages using natural color in food

  • Although not all natural Colors have been tested for health safety, but mostly are regarded safe and healthy to use in the long run.
  • Because of the extensive research and development that has gone into identifying alternatives to artificial colour additives, Natural colour has a startling number of colours to select from. Purple sweet potato extract is currently being studied as a new source of natural colour.
  • The pigment in potatoes is difficult to extract and expensive at the moment; however, researcher Stephen Talcott is dedicated to discovering the best ways to obtain that colour quickly and inexpensively.
  • Color stability, intense colours, and a broad colour range comes in the advantages of natural food color.
  • One of the best things about natural food color is that it makes the food looks so attractive so customers get fascinated just because of its beautiful colors.

If we talk about artificial colors so it has various side effects which are very bad for health refrain from using artificial colors some side effects of artificial colors are

  • ADHD is a type of hyperactivity.
  • Irritability and depression
  • Asthma and hives.
  • Tumor development

Please avoid artificial colors to use in a long run

Disadvantages of using Natural Food Color

  • Because natural food colorings are produce from real food, they may have a distinct flavour that affects the product's taste. When expose to high temperatures, they are also not guarantee to preserve their original hue.
  • Furthermore, because it is create from natural products, it may trigger an adverse reaction in those who are allergic to the product from which it is made. Natural food colorings are more expensive than Artificial food colorings.
  • FDA approved most of the natural food colors because it's very easy & safe to use.
  • Natural food colouring is safe to consume and can be use instead of artificial food colouring to reduce the amount of processed food consumed. Carotenoids, chlorophyll, anthocyanin, and turmeric people using from decades.

To Check & order natural food colors visit Natural colors.

Sodium Copper Chlorophyll benefits and FDA regulations

Sodium Copper Chlorophyll benefits and FDA regulations

Sodium Copper Chlorophyll

It is used as food colorant & supplement.

Its color is dark green talking about its properties so it has antimutagenic and antioxidant properties.

Talking about how it's gotten prepared so it obtains from natural chlorophyll.

This product we are offering comes in powder, liquid & oil soluble form

  • Water soluble


Mostly uses in the dry beverages' mixes, ice creams & confectionery as well.

Benefits of using Sodium Copper chlorophyll

  1. Assists in the body's natural blood-cleansing processes.
  2. Protects and builds healthy cells promotes circulatory, intestinal, digestive, and immunological health.
  3. Promotes a healthy pH balance in the body.
  4. Deodorizes the entire body, including the intestines.
  5. Free of Parabens.


Sodium copper chlorophyll has antioxidant properties.

Chlorophyllin has antioxidant properties, and it may neutralise a variety of physically relevant oxidants in vitro.

Some evidence with the help of animals research says that using copper chlorophyllin may reduce oxidative damage caused by chemical carcinogens and radiation.

Skin Healing

Its proven helpful in reducing the inflammation of the skin.

Internal deodrant

It is very use full & effective when its comes to eliminating the digestive tract odors which is because of the incontinence, colostomy, ileostomy.

Improves Kidney Function

Sodium copper chlorophyll normalize the urine parameters which results in improving the kidneys funtion.

Cancer, Skin, Weight Management

Chlorophyll supplement companies say that it can enhance red blood cells, aid weight reduction, mend damaged skin, reduce inflammation, and prevent cancer.

Although the list is impressive, few of the claims are support by scientific data.

"There's some indication that chlorophyll skin treatments could potentially fight acne," Wohlford adds, "and there's been very, very minimal evidence about weight loss."

"Aside from that, we know it's made up of antioxidants and comes from plants." That's about the limit of what we can confirm securely."


Over taking anything is bad for you. Copper,

which is found in chlorophyllin, can have major side effects if taken in large levels for a sustain length of time.

When used on the skin, . It could make your skin more sun-sensitive.

FDA Regulations:

The FDA is changing some food color standards to allow for the safe use of sodium copper chlorophyllin as a colour additive

In citrus-based dry beverage mixes as reported it is safe to use with no extreme bad side effect.

In response to a petition submitted by Kraft Foods, Inc., this action has been taken.

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Does natural food coloring stain skin?

Does natural food coloring stain skin?


Natural food coloring refers to the extraction of pigments from natural sources. These natural sources predominantly include plants .

More people than ever before are opting for products with natural food coloring to avoid any health uncertainty in this contemporary era.

This article will learn about the impact of natural food coloring on human skin.

Why does natural food coloring stain skin?

We are often caught up in this misconception that natural colorings do not affect the skin; people think plant-based colorings are completely safe.

This is inaccurate. On the contrary, coloring can stain skin because the concentration of the coloring exceeds the liquid, directing towards a higher probability of stain.

Each color occupies different characteristics & it completely depends of what kind of color you are using on your skin.

But the product that we are offering are mostly very safe to use & dont impact skin or put any stain on the skin. But there are various colors that actually affect the skin when using it in large amount.

The answer to the topic:

To be articulate, the answer is "yes." There exist numerous natural food colorings that actually can put stain on skin, whether short-term or long-term.

Each coloring performs according to its characteristics. Naturally extracted pigments from fruits and vegetables have been reported to stain the skin of the manifold. Some require a deep process of cleansing, while others fade away naturally.

So it completely depends on what kind of natural color you are trying to use.

Why is natural food coloring applied to the skin?

The reply to this is "festive." In these modern times, people apply natural food coloring for celebrations and get-together concerns.

They desire to be admirable in the eyes of others and want to look distinct in the function. For instance, the function lasts for 4-5 hours, and people find it "extreme" hard to get rid of the natural coloring.

Consequently, they end up losing their precious time in the cleansing process.


Whenever the human skin catches food coloring, the first and foremost aspect to consider is the quick removal of the color. Cleansing effectively prior the color drying would be your best bet.

If, for instance, you came to notice later, then adding vinegar solution to the affected area can work. Once done, wipe off gently with a towel.

If any changes aren't experienced, then adding baking soda solution to the stained area could be opted.

Apart from this, the "smart" solution is the accessibility to technology which consumes less time.

Individuals with stained skin should look for the latest technologies in the local market and online, giving birth to deep cleansing and saving abundant time.


We reach an end here. Coloring stains need to be taken care of to avoid any unforeseeable precariousness.

If you are skeptical about anything, you are always more than welcome to take out time for research or consult a skin specialist.

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Vegetable black for cosmetic use

Vegetable black for cosmetic use

Vegetable black

It is a food additive which is having the E number 153. Commonly this pigment is known by the name of vegetable carbon also as a carbon black.

Regarding color of this pigment so it's dark black which is used in the cosmetics as a eyeliner, mascara & lipstick as well.

Charcoal is known for its properties of clearing the toxins from the body.

Its typically used in the applications like Bakery products, cheese coating, decorations, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Today we are going to elucidate regarding its use in the cosmetics.


Use of carbon black becomes trend in the world. It is used in beauty products and tooth paste as well. People use this pigment as well for whitening their teeth.

But what it does to our teeth? What carbon black do is basically it removes the stain from the teeth it not only removes but also soak up the surface stains as well which is one of its vibrant benefits.

One thing to be noted is you should pick up the well-known brand for using this as a toothpaste because many of charcoal toothpaste brands don’t have fluoride in them which results weaken the teeth of an individual.

Face cleanser

Use of carbon black helps the skin to become smoother & it also gives healthy fresh look to the skin.

When you apply this on your skin it removes all the dirt from your skin and makes your skin looks fresher and more energized.

Use in soaps

This substance also uses in the soaps as well which is basically made to clear out the pores and removes the acne as well. Soap is completely safe to use on your body & face. Not only that it also helps to stop premature aging. Charcoal soap is very good to treat the dry skin & it also treats the eczema and psoriasis.

Psoriasis: A skin disease which cause red, itchy patches

Eczema: Swelling, inflammation of the skin


Many brands offer charcoal in the shampoos which removes the dirt & oil from the hairs without disturbing natural moisture of the hairs.

It not only helps the hair to get stronger but also do treat the scalp. These shampoos also help in the hair growth & treat the dandruff and itchiness.

Side effects

Vegetable carbon is completely safe to use whether in cosmetics, food or pharmaceuticals approve by EU & Canadian authorities. But using this pigment in a excessive way whether in food, medicines or cosmetics can lead to different side effects but those side effect are not serious or life threating effects because we already mention it’s a approved food additive.

To send us inquiry please Visit Santacolor.

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What is a clean label natural color

What is a clean label natural color


The term "., I.e., products manufactured from plant and animal-based extractions. A product that undergoes minimal processing and contains the least possible artificial substances are said to be a "clean label natural color."

The global accessibility of the Internet has increased literacy rates, and individuals are opting for clean label natural colors at a much faster pace than ever before.

The growth of clean label products

The growth of the Internet has made individuals curious about the ingredients in a consumable product.

People nowadays are refraining from artificial ingredients that negatively impact their health and are slowly and gradually shifting to naturally-extracted products.

Though this is indeed a positive sign for the consumer market, the manufacturers now face certain challenges to cope up with. You might be eager to learn about these challenges, right? Stay connected, then.


Since manufacturers have long used artificial colors to beautify the product, switching to natural coloring might be costlier and time-consuming. The natural coloring may impact either the taste or the portrayal.

The sources for natural coloring, the performance of color under variations of conditions, the alteration in taste, and last but not the least, the cost are the key areas the developer needs to consider.

Any uncertainty after the launch of a product might eventually put you at a disadvantage because consumers have different options available on the other end. For instance, finding the substitute of caramel color and scrutinizing any side effects would require plenty of time.


The core solution to this is blending different natural colors to get the desired hue. Adding even minute quantities of different colors can get you the wanted color.

In addition to this, researchers suggest that opting for natural colors in a liquid form can ensure shade consistency and be prepossessing to the human eye. Powder forms are also a good choice but will eventually lose the original shade over time.

This is because an array of colors is disperse in the liquid solution, making the liquid form dominant over the powder.
A proper plan needs to be construct by the manufacturers and collaboration with scientists to make an informed decision.

Meeting consumer demands and adding value is the objective to be achieve.

In a nutshell, extensive research about the characteristics of clean label natural colors is imperative.

Liaison with the suppliers

Another important aspect of focusing on is collaborating with a trusted supplier. A good supplier always has answers to any uncertainties ready. The supplier can guide you on rooms for improvement in the manufacturing process

to achieve the desired product with little-to-no artificial ingredient addition, in correspondence to the market's changing needs.


We reach an end here. As the global population seeks transparency in consumption,

the gradual shift from artificial to natural color is inevitable because consumers now consider their health the "top" priority. In response to this, the manufacturers need to adapt to this for a better future for everyone.

Red cabbage colour

Red cabbage colour


The red cabbage is a vegetable that predominantly exists in Europe and is commonly visible in Salads.

The red cabbage belongs to the Brassica group of vegetables and provides numerous benefits to human health. On the contrary, the red cabbage colour separates the colour from the cabbage, primarily in powder or liquid state.

This article will learn how the red cabbage changes its colour under variations. In addition, you will also get to know a brief insight into the health benefits.


It is important to remember that the colour present in the cabbage is due to the high volume of anthocyanins present. To those unfamiliar with the term “Anthocyanins,” they are flavonoids that give the red cabbage its bright colour, I.e., the red colour.

Anthocyanins are reported to possess antioxidants properties that are beneficial for human health.
It is crucial to note that anthocyanins possess a special feature that absorbs and reflects lucid colour to our eyes.

This colour could be dark brown, violet, red, blue, or a mix of these. People are often captured in the misconception that the abovementioned vegetable throwback the colour from an anthocyanin.

Reports state that there are multiple anthocyanins at the back functioning. Consequently, we get to visualize the bright colour due to the presence of anthocyanins.

Shade variations of the vegetable

If you own a vegetable farm or reside in an area where red cabbage production is abundant, you might have noticed the colour change. The red cabbage transposes its original colour from dark pink to purple, black-brown to blue. Ever wondered why this is so? Manifold would say that this is natural. There is a whole science behind it.
The colour variations are solely dependent on the acidic environment. The acidic environment refers to the pH value.

The pH value

The pH is an acronym for “Power of Hydrogen.” The measurement below 7 is acidic, and anything above 7 to 14 is alkaline.

The 7 is neutral.
The anthocyanins' response to the pH value is what determines the colour. Following the researches, the pH value of the social must range from anywhere between 5.5 and 6.5.

Too low pH can lead to a lack of nutrients and affect the overall growth of the plant. Too much pH is also disadvantageous.

Let us now look at the divergence of colours under a specific pH.
on ph 2, the cabbage would reflect bright red-pink colour. At 4, the colour changes to light purple.

on 6, we get the common colour of the cabbage (dark-purple to red). When the pH reaches 8, the hue visualized is “blue.” This is how pH value is important.


It is also advisable to cook red cabbage at low boiling points since increasing the temperature would lead to the loss of bright colour. Apart from this, if you want to experience a vivid red colour, adding vinegar to the cabbage would be your best bet.

Everything about black carrot extract

Everything about black carrot extract


You have seen orange carrots available for sale in the local market yet, but not every one of us is aware that black carrots also exist. Black carrots have a dark purple-black shade and are commonly consume in various parts of India and China.

Black carrot extract is consider beneficial to human health due to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory characteristics.

Substitute for carmine

Nothing should be compromised on health. The FDA is getting strict and is enforcing the manufacturers to use the actual in the product to look for and make a decision. According to the FDA, a carmine possesses a small allergic property and might affect an individual’s health.

That being said, the manufacturers are now gradually looking for alternatives to carmine. That being said, black carrot extract could be use as an alternative. This provides a similar hue, i. e, dark purple to black, and is safe for consumption.

Used as a food colour

Black carrot extract is widely use in different products as a food colouring, which includes ice-creams, yogurts, and last but not least, beverages.

The black carrot contains anthocyanins, meaning that these compounds give a product it’s colour. The colour can be dark-purple or black. Scientifically speaking, they do not reflect harmful effects on human health.

Antioxidant properties

The black carrot extract is an excellent source of Vitamins C and E. These vitamins are beneficial to human cells and boost the immune system. The powerful antioxidants act as an obstacle to harmful diseases such as cancer.

Prevents arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis is define as a severe condition that takes place in the human heart. This is primarily due to the poor blood flow to the tissues and organs of the human body. This, in turn, leads to the thickness of arteries.

What black carrot extract does is it lowers down blood sugar levels and ensures smooth functioning of the body. The extract is report to surmount obesity and thus prevents arteriosclerosis.

Cures Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer’s disease is generally describe as a disease that directly affects the human brain, giving birth to a lack of responsiveness and memory loss. This is significantly growing in this contemporary world and should be treat effectively. This is where the black carrot’s root extract comes in handy.

According to researches carried out by scientists, the extract contains a high-content of anthocyanins.

These are particular substances that provide anti-inflammatory effects to the human body. As far as Alzheimer’s disease is concerned, anthocyanins boost the nervous system and treats cell disorders.

Boosts fertility levels

It is a fact that many married couples desire a healthy baby but cannot conceive. This is chiefly due to low fertility levels of either gender. The consumption of black carrot extract creates balanced sex hormones and boosts sperm motility, i.e., sperm reaching an egg and fertilizing.


We reach an end here. The natives of India and China commonly consume the extract. The extract can provision side-effects if consumed in higher amounts than that recommended by a specialist. That being said, consulting a doctor before taking the extract would be your best bet since he would analyze your situation and advise accordingly.

Choosing natural colours for cosmetics

Choosing natural colours for cosmetics


Ever wonder what is the source of the shade being used

in day-to-day cosmetics products? Perhaps you would have guess that they are natural colours derive from an array of sources. You guessed it right! But you need to be well aware of the dyes use in the products, mainly to research and search for any side-effects or harm associate with this, or the power to withstand under weather variations. We have gathered here to discuss the same.

The most common colours used in cosmetics products are Caramel, Carmine, Carotene, Annatto, Turmeric extract, and last but not the least, Zinc oxide.

The Carmine colour is subdivide into three main categories – the red carmine, purple carmine, and pink carmine.


Approval by the food regulatory body is a positive sign and means that the colour doesn't provision any harm in the long run and is safe for applying to the human skin. Each country has a food authority that ensures the safety of the product. Having said that, from the consumer’s point of view, looking up on the internet for a specific colour being mark safe would be your best bet.

Two of the world’s most recognized regulatory bodies are the EFSA and FDA. They are present in Europe and America respectively.

What’s more intriguing is that they have properly managed websites that contain informative blogs about the natural colours – a consumer can read through them, educate himself, and stay updated with the websites.


Caramel is globally use in cosmetics products, ranging from soaps to shampoos, perfumes to body sprays, lotions to powder, etc.

It is derive from the heat given to the sugar. What adds to the value of the colour is that it is approve by the FDA and EFSA, and also appreciated by other global bodies for its performance under different conditions. Besides, the purpose of this colour being add to cosmetics is to make look the final product appealing to the eyes. This in turn leads to consumers purchasing more of the product and manufacturers enjoying profits.


Carotene, also commonly refer to as “beta-carotene” is a hue primarily add to cosmetics products to make them look luminous. Ranging from dark yellow to orange colour, you can examine the colour being utilize in cosmetics and used for orange and lemon flavours. As per, the colour is safe for skin and holds no side effects such as allergies.


The third one to hit the list is Annatto. The hue is extract from the plant termed as “Achiote”. Another reliable colour that is particularly use in hair dyes. The colour is report to provide positive results and cannot miss the cosmetics manufacturing process. As far as skin is concerned, you're at minimal possible risk, and Annatto is tolerable by the skin.

Other applications

The above-mentioned colours are not restrict to a specific category of product. They are widely use in consumer goods, most importantly the foods we eat regularly and the clothes we wear.


In a nutshell, the above-mentioned colours are the most examined in the cosmetics category. If you want to be educated more about these colours, you always have an internet connection at your back. Researching about these and consulting specialists are worth your time in the long run.

What is Natural Red Radish Colour

What is Natural Red Radish Colour


Natural red radish colour is define as the colour derived from radish; a vegetable commonly consumed by the indigenous of the continent of Asia. The natural colour predominantly exists in spices, which are then add to the foods for a good portrayal and a mouth-watering taste.

However, you might not be aware of the colour’s extraction, the health benefits, foods that contain the radish colour, and last but not the least, any side effects associated with this.

Let us give you a detailed description of these.


The extraction of natural radish colour refers to the separation of the colour from radish, an edible vegetable.

The extract is mainly in the form of powder or liquid, and contains anthocyanin; anthocyanin is fundamentally a compound that boasts antioxidant properties and is known to showcase bright red and purple colours mostly.

Apart from this, carotenoids and betalains are also examine in the extract, which more or less has the same function as anthocyanin.


The natural red radish colour is primarily use in foods which includes meat and fish. Besides, the colour has widely been use for preparation of add-ons, which includes ketchups and a variety of pastes.

The radish itself is add in the salad and is admire by many for its taste.


The natural colour is approve for use in foods by two of the most prominent food regulatory bodies, namely the FDA and EFSA.

FDA stands for Food and Drug Administration, whereas EFSA stands for European Food Safety Authority. Radish colour has been mark “safe” for use in consumable products and does not have adverse effects on human health.


The presence of calories in the radish natural colour is very less, and the little-to-no fat feature of the colour makes it feasible for individuals to maintain their weight and prevent obesity.

This would keep your structure in shape and consuming radish colour foods leads to increased activeness and productivity due to the managed weight.

Digestive system

As we all are very well aware of the fact that a stronger digestive system is link to personal well-being, the high content of fibre existing in the radish colour improves the overall digestive system and leads to the efficiency of stool and bowel movements.

This, in turn, affects the entire human body positively and you will feel refreshed the entire day.

Glowing skin

In this contemporary world, glowing skin is admire by almost every one of us and is highly acclaim in the corporate sector.

What radish colour does is that it utilizes Vitamin B and Vitamin C to produce vivid skin structure as an output.

Besides, the antioxidants property of the natural colour helps in the repair of skin disarrangement and promotes the growth of healthy cells. In a nutshell, you will get recognize and would get value in this fast-pace world.


Even though red radish provides numerous health benefits, it might often create negative impacts if taken in excessive amounts.

A study reported that individuals taking more than recommended consumption experienced problems in the digestive tract.

Allergic people should refrain from it. Anyways, you always have a doctor at your back in case of any queries.

What is Natural Caramel Colour and Is It Safe?

What is Natural Caramel Colour and Is It Safe?


Natural caramel colour is primarily a natural food colour incorporated into edibles. When sugar is given the heat, the output produced is the colour. You might be thinking about any side effects associated with its consumption. Right? Let us give you a detailed discussion over this.

Regulatory authorities

Since the natural colour has been globally use for years, the colour must be approve by the food authority existing in a particular country.

This not only ensures safe for consumption but also protects an individual from any unforeseeable continued illness.

Talking specifically about the US, Canada, and Europe (where the colour is predominantly in use), the regulatory bodies existing in the countries are the US FDA, EFSA, and HC respectively.

FDA stands for Food and Drug Administration, EFSA for European Food Safety Authority, and HC for Health Canada.

The colour has been mark “safe” for adding into the foods and beverages and holds no such harm to be produce in the human body.


4-MEI is primarily a compound that is an acronym for 4-Methylimidazole. The compound is naturally produced during the cooking or preparation of beverages.

Apart from this, the compound is formed in small quantities during the manufacturing of two groups of caramel colours, i.e., Class 3 and 4. This is chiefly because of their presence in an array of edibles across the world. You might be wondering about 4-MEI's impact on health. Isn’t it?

In accordance with the FDA, the compound is report to provision no harmful effects on the body and thus is consider safe. However, if the high volume is examine in a certain product, there is a higher probability of lung cancer, as well as skin irritation. In the case of caramel, only small amounts are examine.

In a nutshell, little-to-no noxious effects are place on the human body upon 4-MEI. On the contrary, the compound was test in rats, mice, and rodents.

To one’s surprise, lung cancers chiefly because of the compound’s carcinogenetic property. On the other hand, fertility levels were affect in a negative way which led to having difficult times conceiving.

Classifications of caramel

There exists Group 1,2,3 and 4 Colours. As you have study above that the 3 and 4 are equippe with the 4-MEI, the manufacturers should seek different ways for minimal use of the 3 and 4 groups, and switch to the two others instead. The core reason for this is the carcinogenetic property associate with this.

Gluten-free feature

For those of you who might not be aware of gluten, it is generally a protein that provides no benefit to the human body. In this modern world, many people opt for a gluten-free diet to maximise their nutrient intake. The caramel colour possesses this feature of gluten-free and is considere an added advantage.


Scientists have declare that a maximum of 29 grams of Methylimidazole should be consume. Above this potency could lead to some serious issues. Anyways, you should always consult a healthcare specialist if you are sceptical towards the compound